"I'm Justin" he said with an outstretched hand. I shook him in return.

"I'm Adaeze but you can call me Ada"


It was more like a question. The name rolled over his tongue like an unfamiliar word he was trying to get used to.

The pain cut deep into my soul. I cried myself to sleep for the past few nights. I went through our texts, closed my eyes and relieved our memeories over and over till sleep would take me away. Still, I wondered how I didn't see the signs. There must have been something I missed along the line.

"How many cups of berryblast would it take to get to the moon?"

"If I'm sipping it from your lips, just one"

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts. I brought my book out of my locker to prepare for the next class. A paper fell out. I opened it. It read;

Dear Ada,

I wrote this letter on Wednesday morning, the day after you told me you won't be in school for a week. At that point, I knew you would be going to my dad's factory to try to stop him. You'll see this when you get back to school.

Where do I start? You'll probably be thinking 'What the hell is going on?'. Remember when I told you about how controlling my dad was, I actually meant it in the literal sense. Ever since I was a child, my father used me as one of his experiments to observe mind control. I've had a chip in my brain for ever a decade. Apparently, my dad wasn't sure where your dad was so he sent me to school to spy on you, to get closer to you, to see if there's anything I could find out in relation to who you are or where your dad is. He was scared your dad was in hiding and would one day try to stop him again. If you notice, I never even asked about your dad because at a point, I wasn't interested in the mission anymore. Everything with you felt natural.

Everyday, I would give my dad reports. Honestly, I think he was scared of you. Somehow, he knew you would take after your dad and one day come for him. Every single time Nicole tried to kill you, I did my best to sabotage it. I'm the one who sent an anonymous message to Zoandra to come save you. I noticed she was following you in school, even though she worked for my dad. It occurred to me that she wanted to protect you.

Adaeze, ever since I was a kid, I've been told what to do- even forced to do some things. The only thing in my life that I did willingly was falling in love with you. It's the only thing I wasn't forced to do. It's the best decision I've ever made. From the first day I saw you in your crooked glasses reading Stephen King, I knew my mission wouldn't go according to plan. I know you will have your doubts but I assure you everything about us was real; every phone call, every laugh, every kiss and everday spent with you will forever be embedded into my heart- even though I was taught not to have one. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I love your smile.

I love your name, even though I can barely pronounce it.

I love your kisses.

Most importantly, I love you, Ada.

I always will. I'm not sure if I'll ever see you again but I just had to let you know that the best part of my whole life was the time spent with you. Tell Donakd, Alexandra, Chen, Choi, Victoria, Yinka, and Mike that I'll miss them. I'll miss you the most. I'll miss every single conversation we had. I hope you think of me everytime you read a book, everytime you look at the stars and everytime you take a sip of berry blast. Goodbyes aren't always forever, Ada. Till we meet again.

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