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So we meet again mamacita " he said once I fully in front of him

"Bitch ass nigga you don't speak to her" Dell said from behind me

"It's ok because these going to be his last words" I said ready to make him suffer

"What do you want us to do to him Jay ? This your world" Dave said

I stood there shaking because I was so mad , I wanted to kill him myself. If I could I would do it with my bare hands.

"I got a few questions for you bitch" I told him

I never really curse in front of La & them out of respect I have for them. A lot of people think like oh they only what 25 and 26 but I still don't think it's ok.

"Oh yea she pissed" I heard Dell mumble

"Wussup mamaci-"

I cut him off instantly I hate when he calls me that.

"Cut the shit why ? Why did you do that shit to me huh ?" I yelled

I never did anything to him. I was always respectful in that house. I stayed out of everybody way. I actually stayed to myself.

"You know why , because you always thought you was better than me and my parents. You used to always look down at anything we did. Plus you got a pretty face with a fat ass" he grinned

"I love the way you screamed for me to stop & begged for me not to touch you" he continued

Not even a second after he was done with his sentence he was shot.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" he screamed

I instantly seen blood come down his leg. I never been so close to somebody shooting a gun so it really caught me off guard.

"Shit" I yelled

"Say some shit like that again watch what the fuck I do to yo ass" Dell said after he shot him

He walked up to him & smacked him with the butt of the gun.

"Do y'all really think that's y'all going to get away with this ? Y'all must don't know who my daddy is. Bitch you know who you messing with , you better tell your people" he yelled out in agony

"Fuck you , yo dead ass brother and yo bitch ass daddy! You think we give a fuck about who you THINK yo daddy is ? Well news flash nigga we don't" Dave yelled in his face

I watched as he smiled with blood covered his whole mouth. It's so much anger I have built up inside towards this man

"You know how sick you are ? You took away my innocence stupid fuck" I cried out loud

I couldn't take looking at this stupid ass smile any more so I did what I wanted


"Shit" I heard somebody mumble in the room

"You think that shit ok ? It's not and you won't get a chance to do it to nobody else" I told him before slapping him again

"When mf daddy find you bitch I hope he have his fun with you before he kill yo hoe ass" he yelled out like a crazy man

Zay must of thought it was funny because he started to laugh but really couldn't because he started to cough up blood.

"Bitch ain't shit funny" Dell while kicking Zay in his stomach

I just shook my head. His whole family is sick as hell.

"You want to handle him or we can do it for you" Dell asked

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