Your wildest dreams

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_Author Unii_
Hello dearest reader,I am the narrator,also known as 'Author Unii',anyways let the story begin...

Tommy and Timedeo are getting married,they originally planned on doing it a while back but it got delayed from a little...Incident.

But it's been about 7 years of working hard and taking care of each other that they decide it's time

It's been about 7 years since Deo and I got our wedding delayed,but we are doing it now and I'm so excited!

Originally me and Deo were gonna plan it out,but Tubbo and Ranboo had to do it instead since,well,Deo trains young boys to fight and I teach people how to make things like  armour and weapons or sometimes I babysit kids,so we're both on a pretty tight schedule.

But today me and Deo were free so we went to see Tubbo and Ranboo.As we open the door we are welcomed by the Tubbo and Ranboo,we sit down and about some wedding themes and random stuff too,but then Tubbo says something very intriguing.

He says that he owns an orphanage and that there are 3 kids that get adopted but get sent back to the orphanage after a day,I ask him what are there names,he says that the oldest is a girl named Irene,the middle child named Eren and the youngest named Aspen,they apparently had a very rough experience with their original parents.

He says that they are trying to find someone to adopt the kids but no one wants them,that's...Really sad

'I feel bad for those kids' I whisper into Deo's ear,he whispers back saying that he feels bad too and wants to do something'...I got the perfect idea!

I whisper my idea into Deo's ear and he smiles at me while nodding his head.We look back at Tubbo and say,'we can adopt them if you want''really?'he asks with a happy but confused look,Deo and I nod our heads.Tubbo then gets up tells us to follow him.

He takes us to this big house and opens the door,he then takes us to a little girl,he looks at us and says that the little girl was Irene,he then tells her that we'll be adopting her and her siblings,she smiles cutely in response.

Tubbo then asks her where her brothers are,she says that they are upstairs,so Tubbo goes upstairs and looks for them

'It's nice to meet you,what are your names?'She asks while putting her hand out,me and Deo shake her hand and tell her our names,we ask her how they get sent back here after a day.'It's not my fault it's Eren's fault,he doesn't want to get adopted so he always tries to find a way to not,and he has obviously succeeded many times She says in calm way,she seems to be good at self control.

'Come on Eren,you have to do this'I hear Tubbo say as he stands infront of a child,'fine says the kid as he walks down with a very disappointed face.He stands infront of Deo with the same face,'I've never had a family with 2 dads before' I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not 'Anyways my name is Eren,yours?' Deo and I introduce ourselves.We look to our right to see Tubbo walking tubbo walking towards us with a little baby in his hands,he hands him over to me.

'And that is Aspen'Tubbo says trying to not wake up the sleeping child.We say our goodbyes and take our leave.

_Author Unii_
Tommy and Deo take the kids home,it wasn't that far.The Irene looks inside and smiles while Eren just looks around,still disappointed.

The kids get taken to their room,it was a nicely decorated place,it had a bunk bed that was next to a window,next to the window there was little table with some books and a flower,and a bunch of chests.

'This was actually supposed to be a guest room,but I think it should work' Tommy says as he walks to the chests and takes out some blankets and pillows,he puts them on the table.

It seemed the kids were liking this place,well mostly Irene,Aspen was just sleeping the whole time and Eren was just...Staring at his new parents.

Tommy then walks to Eren,he kneels to Eren's height and he whispers,'I promise me and Deo will give you and your siblings a life beyond your wildest dreams',Eren just stares at him in response.
Heyheyhey author Unii here!Just wanna say that I will be posting a new chapter soon,and for those who wanted a part 2 of 'the new kids',your welcome.

Anyways hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys are enjoying this story,Tata :]

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