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A/N Did I make it seem a little too real? Sorry for acting so serious. :') I hope no one actually thought "Oh okay I'm leaving then" lmao. Anyway, happy april fools! Ps, I'm never gonna discontinue this book lol!:) (this will be a short chapter).

"WE'RE ALL set!"

Jimin peered with his head through the doorway, watching you secure the bags with a satisfied sigh.

It turned out that Yeri's grandiose celebration wouldn't last a day. She insisted on spending time with her special visitors for another three days and two nights at the resort. Because you were her dearest cousin, she regarded the people you brought as special visitors as well.

"Can we bring Jungkook?" He asked, his mouth stuffed with the waffles you had served earlier. He was clad in a white towel that covered only his lower half, showcasing his toned physique.

A smile graced his red lips as he ruffled his wet orange-colored hair, innumerable streaks of droplet trickling down his flawless, milky skin. In fairness, his muscles were all in great proportions. He didn't appear to be the type of person who worked out at first glance.

"Hey, I was supposed to save the waffles for earlier!" You smoothened your beige chiffon blouse, grabbing his clothes from the bed before throwing it to his direction. "And can you please not walk around half-naked?"

He caught the clothes in his arms before his gaze traveled up and down your outfit. "You look gorgeous."

You felt an enormous shade of scarlet veil your cheeks when appreciation suffused his eyes. Walking to him, you pushed Jimin out of your room. "Thanks. Now hurry and dress up or I'll seriously leave you here alone."

You slammed the door shut behind you and leaned against it, taking a deep breath as you clutched your chest. It wouldn't quit pounding unremittingly for some reason. The tenderness he'd radiate was muted by the sight of his divine body. Wait.. divine body?

You dismissed the picture of earlier from your mind, biting your lip in an attempt to keep a smile from appearing on your face. You then continued to double-check gleefully that you hadn't forgotten anything important when your phone started ringing. You came to a halt and stood up before grabbing your phone from the vanity table.

You did not bother throwing a glance at the caller ID and instead continued to zip the bag shut, muttering a curse when the zipper wouldn't budge. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Y/N." Your hands stopped midway, stomach instantly twinging when your ears picked up a recognizable voice on the other end of the call.

"What do you want?" Your voice turned harsh and unwavering, hoping he'd grasp the message and understand that hearing his voice was the last thing on your mind right now.

You fought the impulse to hang up when you hear a sardonic chuckle emanate from his lips. "You're usually already jumping on your feet out of excitement just by hearing my voice on the phone."

The good mood you were just savoring earlier instantaneously dissipated as your palms tightened their grip on the phone. "Stop beating around the bush, Chan. And I don't know how many times I have to remind you that-"

"Things have changed," He cut you off, tone stained with venom. "Yeah, I know. But that isn't going to stop me. No one can't, Y/N."

"Damn you!"

He busted out laughing scornfully. You flashed a dazed look of puzzlement to the screen of your phone before returning it back to your ear, and by then the other line was already silent. The only thing echoing on your speaker was his barely audible snickers.

"I love you too, Y/N. Let's see each other again. Soon.." His tone had a dark edge to it that made your skin shudder. Before he could end the call, you beat him to it by slamming your phone screen down on the table.

What kind of wrongdoing have you committed in a previous life that induced the universe to have an obsessed and possibly psychotic ex-boyfriend all of a sudden jeopardizing you?

"Hey Y/N, do you think Jungkook may have stolen all the Oreos in the fridge-" Jimin came to a halt halfway through the door when he spotted you seated on the ground with your hands cupped on your face. His eyes widened in alarm, and a flood of panic surged over him before he dashed over to you.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He knelt in front of you, his hands holding your wrist as he attempted to move them away from your face. You suddenly felt too powerless to even struggle away from his grip. When tears began to stream down your cheeks, his body froze rigid, eyes unblinking.

"Jimin.." You mumbled his name through the sobs that sought to leave your throat. He hushed you and drew you in for a tight hug, his hands comfortingly rubbing your back. You pressed your face against his chest, allowing the warmth of his body to relax you.

He remained quiet, listening to your faint sobs. Something stroked your heart, and it felt as if his presence soothed you in a way that your ex-boyfriend hadn't been able to.


He pulled away from the hug, wiping your stained cheeks with the sleeve of his turtleneck. Unlike earlier, he was now fitted appropriately and his hair was perfectly combed. "Why are you saying sorry?"

"Because.. I cried?" You smiled awkwardly, recalling your parents' words that crying in front of others was unpleasant and improper for a girl.

"So?" He shot a quizzical look. "What's wrong with that? It's okay to cry."

"Not where I grew up." You responded without thinking, looking away. He appears to be in thought for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Whoever told you that deserves a hard smack in the head."

He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, shaking his head. "As humans, we are wired to express emotion, and no one has the authority to tell us otherwise."

When you looked up at him, his red lips erupted into a mischievous smile. You couldn't help but smile back and pinch his cheek afterwards. "Whatever you say, Jiminie."

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