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"HOW IS he?"

"Fine," Jin replies from the other line. Long, interminable days have already passed ever since Jin and Taehyung took Jimin away and kept him under observation back in their house.

Within those days, you realized how much the apartment had gotten less lively, especially when all Jungkook would usually only ever do in his free time was to sleep inside your bedroom. Otherwise, he would rummage in your kitchen to find food, or watch TV.

On your day off, he willingly helped you clean your apartment, much to your gratefulness.. Well, except for the part when Jungkook had accidentally dropped your toothbrush in the toilet. Consequently, you had to buy a new one with the bunny hybrid practically following you as he muttered out a million sincere apologies every 5 minutes.

At least he was genuinely sorry about it.

"But as expected, he refuses to go out of his room every time we ask him to go down for breakfast and dinner. What a child."

You chewed on the last piece of your pancake with a small chuckle, sneaking a quick look at Jungkook who was watching TV in the living room. He seemed so immersed in whatever he was watching, doe eyes focused on the screen with both his hands resting on his lap.


"Is he always like that?" You asked the question that has been lingering in your mind ever since you first called Jin to check up on the orange-haired hybrid and just like the usual, he'd always tell you the same thing.

He's good, fine, refuses to go out of his room, constantly complaining about how he wants to go back to your apartment, about how he misses you, and other repetitive fatuous words.

But one thing is for sure: you definitely weren't used to this type of Jimin. You found it weird to think about, too. What if he was still here with you, inside your apartment?

"Jimin? Hm.. Partly yes, partly no." He replies, making your curiosity augment. You tilt your head to the side, running the fork through the leftover syrup on your plate. "What do you mean partly yes, partly no?"

"He's normally not the type to miss someone excessively when he's in that certain type of state." He stressed the word. "I've known him long enough to know that. Don't you think it says a lot?"

"Meaning..?" You trailed off, not really catching on to what he's trying to propound. You heard an amused chuckle elicit from his lips, making the crease in between your brows more prominent.

"Meaning, huh? Really, Y/N?" The amusement in his tone remained patent.

"Just get straight to the point," You scoffed.

"You're so oblivious.."

"Hey! I am not!" You retaliated a little too loudly, straightening your posture. You notice Jungkook glance at you for a moment before he returns his attention to the TV.

"Haven't you noticed? Obviously, Jimin has a big fat cru—"

"HEY Y/N!" A loud, baritone voice exclaimed, abruptly interrupting the elder's words.

"What the — Hey Kim freaking Taehyung, I told you to keep an eye on Jimin! What are you doing here?!"

"Well, first of all, I miss Y/N too! And second of all, Jimin is being a little bi—"

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