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"DON'T NOONA.. He's in heat."

Come again?

Jimin? In.. heat?

"What? What are you saying? H-How can you be so sure about that?" The words slip out of your lips way faster than you expected as soon as Jungkook spat those unanticipated words.

"There's no need to be sure because he is," He mumbled before cupping his face with his palms. "But why now when he's here with you..?"

"What do you mean?"

Jungkook sighs frustratedly, head darting up to meet your eyes full of dubiety. "Listen noona, you have to stay away from him as much as possible."

Your mouth was already halfway open when he immediately interrupted your intention to bombard him with questions.

"No questions, just do as I say."

Well what am I supposed to do? Runaway? Kick Jimin out of the apartment?

Note the sarcasm.

"Alright, fine!" Deciding that it's no use to engulf his words, you huffed a breath and folded both arms against your stomach. "But can you at least tell me why he's suddenly like this? I thought those types of stuff rarely happen to them?"

His lips quipped into a thin line, mind reluctant to disclose the answer to you.

"It's better if I don't tell you for the meantime," He replied, looking down on his lap. He was sitting beside you on the bed.

"But what I can tell you is that it's not good. Trust me, I've seen him undergo heat before and it isn't exactly pleasant. He can't control himself very well given the circumstances, so we have to monitor him very closely or who knows what he might do."

Right. It was now safe to assume that Jungkook had known Jimin for a very long time. I mean, why else would Jimin let a stranger inside my apartment when he could've been a raider or a thief?

On the contrary, something else was bothering you and you needed enlightenment. "But don't male cats only experience heat because they are responsive to other female ones in the same cycle?"

"You're right, but it's significantly different for hybrids like us." He replied. "Normally, female cat hybrids experience heat more often than males, but that doesn't mean they don't go through the same cycle too every once in a while."

You nodded in understanding and Jungkook proceeds with his little trivia.

"The critical month for male cat hybrids is usually from September or March. And today's the first week of September," He continued, brushing off the locks of hair in his face with his fingers.

"And I'm not sure, but it might take him a few days or weeks to get back to normal. Right now, what he needs is a proper distraction and avoidance to you."

You sighed, looking away as your mind began to wander, thinking of a convenient solution to the current situation.

What about bringing him to Hoseok or Yoongi? Wait — no. They're not aware of the fact that Jimin is a hybrid yet. Plus, they most likely won't even believe me if I try to convince them.

Oh, rephrase. They won't believe you. They'll only think you're crazy and you'll just end up losing two close friends. You didn't want to risk it, so it would have to be a secret you'll keep for the moment from them.

"I got it!"

Jungkook suddenly snaps his fingers, startling you awake from your trance. His eyes glowed with triumph, flashing you a smile that was enough to unveil the tiny mole resting below his bottom lip.

"I can't believe I completely forgot about it! Hold on," He gestures to you with a waiting hand, fingers about to draw something out of his pocket when he suddenly halts in realization.

You chuckled, slipping your hand on the nightstand and showed him your phone. With an upturned brow, you peer at him when a small curve tugged at the side of his lips that casted a sheepish smile.

"Is this what you needed?" You gently wiggled the phone in your hold. He slowly nods in response. "Is it okay if I borrow it?"

"Sure, I don't mind." You smiled before typing the password and quickly handed him the small gadget. He hesitantly takes the phone away from your grasp and his fingers then begin to make foreign movements on the screen.

It wasn't even a surprise that he knew how to use a phone, considering the fact that he was a living half-bunny half-human. Judging from what Jimin had told you the other day, hybrids do exist and they were also being unknowingly addressed as a pet when they also had human blood.

Kinda ironic.

And of course, they were surrounded by humans. Therefore, they knew how the human advancement worked.

You inch closer to him and curiously took a peek. He was typing a number as if he was going to call someone. But who?

You were about to ask him when your phone started to ring, the sound vibrating through the walls of your soundless bedroom.

Speaking of which, the other side has been suspiciously quiet for the past few minutes. You wonder what Jimin was doing now that Jungkook had locked him out outside.

Poor Jimin.

Not long after, the call was finally picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hi hyung! It's me, Jungkook!"

"Wait — Jungkook? As in Jeon Jungkook? Hey! Since when did you get a phone? I thought yours just recently broke?"

"I don't have one, Jin Hyung. I'm just borrowing it from a friend." He chuckled.

The name suddenly reminded you of someone. The guy that kept showing up insufferably in front of your window back then when you were a kid to greet you good morning and good night.

"Hm, I see. How are you, by the way? Do you know how much Taehyung misses you?"

"Really? Well tell him I still have his strawberry printed boxers!"

"I heard that!" A deep, baritone voice exclaimed from the background. The call was on speaker so you could perfectly hear every word that came out of the line. "And hey, that's not true!"

"What's not?"

"Me missing you? I'm not gay!"

"Literally no one says you were gay," Jungkook rolled his eyes despite his other friend, whom you assume is Taehyung, not being able to see him through the call.

"Okay stop it, the both of you. Taehyung, can you please get out of my room?"

"Fine, whatever." There were a few thudded footsteps until a door creaked open and eventually clicked shut.

You couldn't help but throw a laugh in amusement upon witnessing the relationship between the two.

"Anyways, why'd you call? Do you need anything?"

"Actually, yes. I do," Jungkook replied, free hand subtly scratching his nape. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

"Sure Jungkook, what kind of favor?"

"It's about Jimin hyung," His eyes glanced skeptically at the door. "And his.. heat cycle."

"Oh? Don't tell me his heat cycle is coming?"

"It already did." Jungkook elicited a small sigh, eyes averting away down his lap. "It is September, so it should be no surprise to us."

"Okay.. so what exactly can I do to help?"

"Can he stay at your house for a bit?"

"Why? Can't he stay with you?" Jin asks out of confusion, creased brows almost imaginable on his face that was unfamiliar to you. "It's not like he's near any females."

You and Jungkook briefly exchanged looks.

"Uh yeah, about that.."

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