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"HYUNG SAID that he'll be here," Jungkook says, flashing you the screen of your phone with their conversation. You nodded, a bit of reluctancy swimming across your mind.

You wanted to go check on Jimin, but you were afraid of what he might do given his current situation. Plus, Jungkook had reminded you that Jimin needed a distraction, and you were especially off the list for it.

"Jimin had better not done something stupid outside," You muttered, eyebrows creased whilst peering at your door. The other side has been silent for the past few minutes, and you were already beginning to overthink.

"Probably not. He's more gentle in his tabby cat form," Jungkook replied and you shot him a glance. "Gentle in what way, exactly?"

He looks at you as if you had just asked something way out of your league that creased your brows more. "Uhm.. how should I say this? I guess.. gentle in a submissive way," He shrugged.

Your mouth formed an 'o' shape in understanding. Well.. he was right. When you first saw Jimin in that alleyway, part of you was expecting him to use his defense and claw you mercilessly with his tiny paws, but instead, did the exact contrary.

"Oh, Jin hyung is here!" Jungkook exclaimed in relief before placing your phone on the nightstand. "Let's go, noona!"

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Wrong. It's we," He emphasized. "And we're sneaking out of here. We can't just let hyung rot outside your door, can we?"

"Huh? But what if Jimin sees us?"

"He won't, trust me. It's highly likely that he transformed back into his cat form which gives us the full advantage," He reasoned and you sighed, deciding to just give into his plan.

"I'm trusting you on this one."


"Jimin, stay still!"

"NO!" The orange-haired hybrid grunted condescendingly, shooting peering daggers towards the man who had yet to lose his meager patience.

"You're acting like a 5 year old," Taehyung chided as he rolled his eyes, making Jimin shift his patronizing stare to his seemingly unbothered friend.

Jin then sighed, switching his gaze towards Jungkook who appeared hassled as he continued to nibble on his bottom lip. It was one of his uncontrollable habits especially when he felt apprehensive.

"Can we just go?" Taehyung whined. Jin glowered over his direction before gently smacking the back of his head with his palm.

"No, we still have to get Jimin out of here," He commented, then averting his attention to Jimin who had his arms folded across his chest. "Jimin, please?"

"No," He quickly replied. "I want to stay here."

"Okay, bye!" Taehyung was about to stride away until a hand grips his shirt, forcing him back as he lets out a ruffled grunt.

Jin once again gently gave Taehyung a smack on the back of his head as the latter folded his arms across his chest, muttering incoherent words under his breath.

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