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╮street hockey╰

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╮street hockey╰

"and hold, two, three-" dean counted, leading the leg stretches in front of the team.

"coach isn't here, why do we have to be?" connie said, interrupting dean's count while glancing up from the stretch. sloane flipped her head up and blew her stray hairs out of her face to glance around the large football field the team had decided to work out on. she reached up to push her ponytail off of her shoulder while taking a deep breath.

"we have a game tonight. we have to work out," dean answered as they all switched to stretch their other leg. sloane and connie cut their eyes at each other before rolling their eyes and dropping their gaze to the grass to continue stretching. sloane adjusted the ace wrap around her knee before flattening it and further leaning down.

"i say mutiny. who's with me?" goldberg asked as he straightened his back and glanced around.

"goldberg, i'm too tired to mutiny," dwayne answered, standing up with his hand lifted slightly.

"i'm not. i say we give it a good college try," sloane said and straightened to bend her left knee enough to grab her ankle and stretch her hamstring. "i suggest we attempt to take out dean first since he's the asshat that got us here," she added and motioned at him, smiling at him when he looked up to roll his eyes at her.

"come on, guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning," julie said as she leaned up to rest her hands on her knees. she briefly glanced at the team before pushing herself off of her knees to stand up fully. sloane let go of her ankle and let her foot fall as she placed her hands on her waist.

"speak for yourself, babe," dean said and looked julie up and down after he straightened. sloane scoffed loudly, dropped her hands, and took a step forward.

"her name is julie, not 'babe'," adam said after raising up with the rest of the team following suit.

"don't tell me how to talk, rich boy!" dean snapped, walking toward adam with his hand raised and finger pointed. he shoved adam backward and sloane rushed between them.

"i outta wear your ass out for putting your hands on him like that. don't you ever touch one of us like that again," sloane said and pushed him as hard as she could with one hand.

"oh, yeah, crip? can barely move, what're you gonna do about it?" he asked and shoved her back with both hands. sloane exploded at him, angrily exclaiming as she slapped him across the cheek as hard as she could. he angrily grabbed the front of her shirt, yanked her forward, and pushed her into adam.

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