Two Minutes To Midnight

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"It's like a four-color brochure for dying young. Of course, to Pestilence, it's probably Dollywood in there." Dean said. "Great. A whole building full of people. We don't know who's human, who's demon, and who's pestilence. So what do we do?" Sam asked. "Hang on." Dean said, looking through his binoculars again.

We enter the building and found the security room door. Dean open the door and poke his head in. "Hey. Hi. Uh, I'm looking for my Nana. Uh, her name is Eunice Kennedy." He said. "Go around front and see the nurse." The guard said.

Dean glances back to us then goes inside shutting the door behind him. Sam and I glance to each other then away to see if anyone's coming. We then heard Dean knock on the door and quickly slip into the room, while Dean pulls the guard into a corner out of the way. "Eunice Kennedy?" Sam asked. "That's the beauty about improv, Sammy. You never know what's gonna come out of your mouth." Dean said.

We sat down in front of the screen, spending what already felt like hours watching them. "So, what are..." I started to asked, noticing Dean had drifting off to sleep. "Hey." I said, tapping his arm to wake him up. "What are we even looking for?" I asked. "Well, he's Pestilence, so he probably looks sick." Dean said. "Everybody looks sick." Sam said.

We spent hours watching the camera until an man leaves a room, causing a distortion on the monitor. "Hey." I said, pointing to it. Dean who's been pacing to keep himself awake, comes over to look at the screens. We watch as each monitor has a distortion when ever the man is caught by the camera. "Oh, now we're talking." Dean said.

We exit the security room and made our way through the halls to catch up to the man. Ducking behind a wall to avoid one of the nurses seeing Sam holding Ruby's knife and Dean and I holding shotguns. We continue down the hall, passing an open room where a nurse was checking in on one of the patiences.

Further along, I suddenly start feeling sick and we all started coughing. My vision became blurry but we pressed on. We round the corner and found the bodies a doctor and nurse. I leaned on the wall while the boys leaned on the opposite wall for support.

Sam coughs up blood onto his hand. "Ugh... Must be getting close." He said. "You think?" Dean asked. We kept going, getting sicker and sicker with every step. Finally my body couldn't take it any more and I started to sink to the floor.

"(Name)?" Sam said, coming over to me. He tries to help me keep going, but we both stumble and I fell to the floor. Sam stumble to his feet and slowly made his way to the room, while Dean crumbles to the floor unable to keep going as well. We both laid on the floor coughing uncontrollably.

Sam makes it to the room and the door is opens by a nurse. Sam raises the knife to her but the nurse was unfazed by it. "The doctor will see you now." She said, stepping aside showing Pestilence was sitting on the bed next to a dead old woman.

"Sam. Dean. (Name)." Pestilence said, waving for us to come froward. Sam keels over and falls to the floor. "Come right in." Pestilence said. The nurse steps out into the hall to drag both Dean and I into the room next to Sam.

"Hmm. You three don't look well. It might be the, uh, Scarlet fever." Pestilence said, getting up from the bed and staring down at us as we continue coughing. "Or, uh, the meningitis. Oh! Or the syphilis." Pestilence said, then clicks his tongue as he shakes his head. "That's no fun." He said.

Pestilence steps closer, grabbing Sam by his hair and lifting his head up to look at him. "However you feel right now? It's gonna get so very, very much worse. Questions?" He asked, dropping Sam and letting his face drop back down to the floor.

"Disease gets a bad rap, don't you think? For being filthy. Chaotic. Uh, but, really, t-that just describes people who get sick. Disease itself... Very... Pure... Single-minded. Bacteria have one purpose... divide and conquer." Pestilence said, as Dean reached for the knife that Sam had dropped.

Supernatural (Sam Winchester x Female!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat