Carnegie drops the remote on the table and turns to us. "Sicko taped his own handiwork." He said. We look at him, confused. "I don't follow." Sam said. "It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal." Carnegie said. "Wait, what?" Dean asked. "Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles." Carnegie said.

"They were best friends." I said. "Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim." Carnegie said. "And how exactly did Jim slam Cal into a windshield with all the force of an eighty-mile-per-hour crash?" Dean asked.

Carnegie blinks. "Drugs, maybe?" He suggested, and Dean raises his eyebrows. "Look, you know this ain't brain surgery, guys! Whatever it looks like, that's what it usually is. It's simple." Carnegie said.

"Simple. Right." Dean said, glances over his shoulder at Sam and I. "Right. Um, if you don't mind, we'd like to speak to Jim Grossman anyway." Sam said.

In Jim's cell, Sam and I were sitting at a table across from Jim, while Dean stands behind us. "I was in the house when it happened, I didn't even see it." Jim said. "For argument's sake, say we believe you." Dean said.

"Why would you? The cops didn't." Jim said. "Well we're not your typical cops." Dean replied. "Please, just tell us what you saw." I said. "It's not what I saw, it's what I heard. Tires squealing, glass breaking." Jim said, then he sighs. "It was the car that did it."

All three of us raise our eyebrows at this. "The car?" Sam asked. "I mean, I heard about the curse, but, I just thought it was a load of crap." Jim said. "Curse, what do you... what do you mean, curse?" Dean asked.

"The car. Little Bastard." Jim replied. "Li—Little Bastard? As in the Little Bastard?" Dean asked, surprised. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, uh, what's Little Bastard?" Sam asked.

"It's James Dean's car. It's the one he was killed in." Dean said. "Who's James Dean?" I asked, and Dean look at me very offended. "I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that." He said, looking away from me.

"Yeah, that's the one. Cal had been looking for it for years. I mean, hell, we both had. But he found it first." Jim said, referring to the car. Dean leans closer to Sam and I. "Oh, we are definitely checking this out." He said.

In a garage, Dean walked around and inspects Little Bastard with awe, careful not to touch. The windshield is bloodstained and has a piece missing where Cal's head was. "So, what, this is, like, Christine?" Sam asked, and Dean shakes his head. "Christine is fiction. This... This is real." He said. "Okay. Enlighten us." I said.

"Well after James Dean died, his mechanic bought the wreckage, and he fixed it up. And it repaid him by falling on him. And Tony McHenry was killed when it locked up on the racetrack. I mean, death follows this car around like exhaust. Nobody touches it and comes away in one piece. Then, in nineteen-seventy, it vanished off the back of a truck. Nobody's ever seen it since. I'm telling you, man, if this... if this car is Little Bastard, I will bet you dollars to donuts it's what killed the guy." Dean explained.

"So how do we find out?" Sam asked. "Cal matched the VIN number, but the only real way to know is the engine number." Dean said, Sam and I nod. "I'm guessing the engine number...?" I started to say, but Dean talked over me. "On the engine. Yeah."

Later, we took off our jackets and rolled up our sleeves, staring at Little Bastard with trepidation. "You want me to do it?" Sam asked his brother. "No. ...No, no, I've... I've got it." Dean stammered.

Dean steps closer to the car, addressing it. "Okay, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you, so... don't hurt me." He said. Dean lies down on a roller board with a pencil in his mouth, then rolls himself under the car.

After waiting for a bit, I laid on the ground to look under the car at Dean. "Need a flashlight?" I asked, starling him. "No. Don't... do anything, just go away." He said, panicking.

Supernatural (Sam Winchester x Female!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora