wtf does Haru want???

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Legoshi pov

Things are back to normal now, though it feels weird. Riz was actually arrested by the cops, I guess Pina gave them a hint to say the least. my scar from my fight with Riz still hurts but I guess it is healing. It just, feels like my purpose as of late has been solved, with Riz being arrested and all. I thought I could just go back to my old self, in the shadows, just living my life. It was until Haru sent me a text for the first time in, what? months? saying, and I quote,

"Hey Mr. Wolf, lmao, there is this guy I want you to meet, you need more friends lmao." followed by a picture of a blue human with a large forehead and  large eyes with text saying "no bitches", whatever that means. She wants me to meet him tomorrow afternoon, near sunset, weird, almost like a date. Does Haru actually want to go on an actual date, Legoshi blushes and his tail wags slightly at the thought

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