Cat Noir straightens his back as he rubs his wrists. "Please forgive me, Ladybug."

Ladybug steps forward and Chaos grabs her arm, pulling her back. "Adrien, don't! What are you doing?"

"What I have to." Cat Noir takes his ring off and his transformation falls. Adrien takes his place.

Shadowmoth's eyes widen slightly. It's true. Cat Noir is indeed his son.

"Adrien..." She closes her eyes with a sob. "Please."

Adrien doesn't look at her. He stares down at the ring in his hand before closing it in a fist. He takes a step forward. He glances to the side at Ladybug and Chaos, second guessing his plan, and decides to roll through with it. He leaps to the side and tackles Ladybug, keeping a protective hand on her head as they roll across the room.

The light glows a bright purple as Chaos lashes her power around the room and explosions set off.

"Stop, Chaos!" Shadowmoth shouts, growing wary of his son's safety. "Stop using your power!"

"No one tricks me!" Chaos yells, aiming her hand at Adrien. "No one."

"Can I borrow this?" Adrien asks, grabbing Ladybug's yo-yo. He sweeps his legs under Chaos' and she falls on her back. He wraps the yo-yo around her and ties her arms and legs together. He snatches the necklace from her neck and throws it at the wall. It breaks and the akuma flies out.

Ladybug stares at Adrien with wide eyes, flustered and impressed. "How did you know the akuma was in there?"

Adrien shrugs. "Lucky guess." He hands her yo-yo back. "You're cue, Milady."

Ladybug stands up and captures and purifies the akuma. She faces Shadowmoth. "This isn't over."

"You're right about that," He snaps, angry. "This is far from over."

Ladybug picks up Adrien and runs and jumps out of the hole in the wall. Rain pours down as the superhero takes the civilian home. She sets him down in his bedroom. "It's not safe for you anymore, Adrien."

"I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for one of Shadowmoth's traps," Adrien whispers, shaking his head. "You could've gotten hurt because of me."

"Adrien..." Ladybug steps forward and grabs his hand, the wounded one. He winces in pain and she reaches into the magical portal of her yo-yo and pulls out a white cloth. She ties it around his hand. "There. The magical purities should heal you soon."

Adrien smiles. "Thanks, Ladybug." He stretches and yawns. "I need to take a shower." His eyes widen. "Marinette!" As he runs to the bathroom, Ladybug stands to the side with a nervous smile and waits. He throws the door open to an empty bathroom. "Marinette! She's not in here."


He slams the door shut. "I told her to stay! I told her it was safe. Unless..."


Adrien starts pacing his room. "What if Shadowmoth's trap was a distraction? A fake one, and the real one was leaving Marinette alone and vulnerable and unprotected! That was his real plan all along!" He pulls out his phone and calls her. Voicemail every single time. "Damn it!"

"Maybe Marinette went somewhere else to hide," Ladybug tries to reassure him, looking for an exit to go and detransform before Adrien calls in the army for a search party. "Like another room or-"

"No!" He shakes his head. "I made her promise to stay there and she wouldn't break a promise. Shadowmoth must've taken her when we were at that abandoned building."

"Shadowmoth can't be in two places at once," She reminds him, stepping towards the window.

Adrien stops pacing. "You're right. He must have a new partner. I'm gonna try her phone again."

She turns towards the window and Plagg comes flying over. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Either reveal yourself or find a way to calm him down," The kwami tells her, peeking back at a panicking Adrien. "Because that kid is going insane."

Ladybug considers revealing her secret identity- to calm Adrien down- but soon realizes how dangerous is it. If Shadowmoth were to akumatize Adrien, he could give her away and no one is Paris would be safe. She couldn't do it; she wouldn't. Not yet, anyway. It's safer for Adrien if he doesn't know. "Adrien, I'm going go and look for Marinette. If Shadowmoth has her, maybe they're not too far."

"Good idea. I'll come with you. Plagg, claws out." Adrien walks over and a green glow covers him in black leather. "We'll find her faster if we split up."

Instead of arguing, she nods and agrees. "You're right. I'll call if I find anything."

"Same here." Cat Noir leaps out his bedroom window.

Ladybug looks out the window and waits for the black cat to disappear before swinging outside and around his house, landing quietly in the garden. "Spots off." She's back in her pink jeggings and flats and trips on a rock, falling and catching herself on a statue- his mother's statue. She steadies her breath, lost in mesmerization as she stares at her face. His mother was so beautiful, she thinks and smiles.


She looks over.

Cat Noir leaps over the high wall and detransforms in mid-air, landing hard on the concrete. He runs over and hugs her tight. "I was so worried about you. Are you okay?" He leans back and cups her face in his hands. "I thought Shadowmoth got you."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted some fresh air." Not Marinette's best lie, but it'd do for now. "I should've left a note or something."

Adrien smiles. "I'm so glad you're okay."

He leans in, and she suspects he's about to kiss her, and lets it happen. Their lips are close and almost touching when Natalie comes walking up. She clears her throat. "What's going on?"

Marinette and Adrien jump back from each other, stuttering their own excuses.

"I suggest you get back to work, Miss Dupain-Cheng, without any distractions." Natalie glances over at Adrien and adds, "You wouldn't want to start your first day empty handed when Mr. Agreste asks to see your work, right?"

The girl nods. "Right... I'll see you later, Adrien." She walks off with rosy cheeks and ignores the red insect teasing her as she walks inside.

Adrien faces his mother's statue. Natalie walks over and stands beside him. "I miss her," He whispers and a silent tear rolls down his cheek.

Natalie smiles. "I miss her, too."

Whoops-A-Daisy 🌼 (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now