
"Don't go any further!"

"Not like we could go back either.. we've gone in about 20 feet or so and I can't even see the village through this vegetation.."

After hearing Kiwi's affirmation, I ran over to him. He was awkwardly standing in the middle of a clearing.. it was odd. My little brother, Coconut, even if I didn't like him much, needed to be protected. He needed to come with us. I stepped on a few leaves, which made him dart his head up. The seven-year-old hybrid's expression went from startled to terrified really quick. I'd assumed it was because I was in the shadow, and he couldn't see me. I whisper-shouted,


He stared into my white eyes and shook his head, almost like he wanted me to stay where I was, and let him be. I weaved through the ferns, shrubs, and bushes, into the middle of the clearing to meet my little brother. His face was tear-streaked and unsure, almost like he was forced here. His gaze shifted to the pine and oak behind me, and his face became even more contorted with fear and distress. He couldn't look at me in the eyes like mom and dad had always told us and engraved into our heads, giving a sign that something was really off.

"Are you okay, Coco?"

No response. He moved his head slightly to the left, moving the artificial leaf on his head over his right eye. He took a shallow breath in, and reached under the leaf.

Out of it came a knife.


"I'm sorry, sis.."

I felt my heart skip a beat. In my mind, I was ready to run. Flight response, as Blaze called it. I needed to skip health period with my learning group because of.. well, personal reasons.

I wanted to run, I really wanted to, but I couldn't. I had fallen to the ground on my knees, the powdery dirt of the forest covering my shins and dusting my tail in a spluttery coat of grayish-brown. My peripheral vision had become blurry, so blurry in fact I knew I was crying. I didn't need to go to health to know I was about to die, and that my vision was from mostly from blood-loss. The blade was lodged into my chest, and I could already feel and see the color fading from my hands. The tips of my fingers were becoming grayish-pink, like a corpse's flesh.

I screamed in pain as the blade was jerked out of my chest and thrusted back into it, but this time in the gut. The brown, white-striped, gingerbread-man-looking hands that held the knife belonged to none other than my own half-brother, Coconut. He yanked it out of my chest once more, and I smelled the metallic-yet-orangey fumes of my blood from my chest. I let myself fall, catching myself with my hands almost like I were pretending to be a playful canine pup. My hand inevitably splashed into the puddle of blood below me, spraying dots and lines of the liquid onto my dull face. The blood felt warm and thin, just a bit thicker than water. It was a tropical orangey-pink, and the smell was weird since I am allergic to oranges. It didn't make sense. Neither did Coconut.

I looked back up, and I no longer saw, heard, or felt Coconut. I only saw the dark abyss of the forest, heard the whisper of the trees in the wind, and felt the dirt crushed in my hands. The last thing I saw was the dark slowly creeping up around me. The last thing I heard was the whispers of crowds of spirits in the afterlife. The last thing I felt was blood-soaked soil in my hands, my chest slamming into and impacting the ground, and my heart breaking and turning dark.


"It's good to get your rage out."


"Well, you agreed to the job."



"Wh-where is he.."

"I remember being seven. Gullible, naive, selfish, always thinking everything is the best."

"What do you mean..?"

"Walk with me.."




"Not so happy-go-lucky now, huh?"


"And you promised to kill every hybrid you see. How many have you killed?"


"I guess you'll have to pay the price."

"I never said it,



..but I hate you.."


Two Sided: The Aching Past (TS Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now