Evelyn sarcastically said and Wei chuckle lightly "WOW! it's impressive that you having such a long list of introductions" Shenwei smirked while wipping his hand....which kissed by Chang a second ago. "Try to remove my touch..? So it's impossible, because when my sight fell on anything.....it's only belongs to me!!" Chang inwardly think looking at Wei head to toe.

Chang smirk and invite Evelyn and her friends for a party.....for celebrating her victory. But Evelyn reject it because she don't want to deal with Chang. It's Chang's nature when any archaeologist found any ancient artifacts....he invite him/her in the party and deal with them.

But Zahur insists that....after all he was also involved in this excavation and has promised Chang that he will come....with his team members. Evelyn glare but Zhujiu hold her hand and said....they come in the party on right time. Chang smile after listening this "good choice!" then he left from there after giving Shenwei's a cunning smile.

"Zhujiu...you out of your mind!! How could you agree for this kind of dealing....you knew about him, then why yo....."

"Relax Evy! Please listen to me...i know what he want from us, but you didn't see how he looking at Shenwei.....(Wei arch his eyebrows) and you also knew he's a bad human being.....and I don't want Wei face any problem. So that's because I agree for this" Zhujiu said and Evelyn understand him.....then Zhujiu gave Roulan to Wei and said "tomorrow we go to the party then see, what he wants from us.."


Next day Shenwei and Zhujiu go in the party..... except Evelyn because she don't like them, so Wei gave Roulan to her and said he come as soon as possible. In the party Zhujiu and Wei meet with some VIP, business men and some ministers.....who want to buy that crown and bargaining with Zahur and Zhujiu.

who want to buy that crown and bargaining with Zahur and Zhujiu

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Shenwei only looking at them with a smile....but Chang who busy talking to some other people....keep his attention towards Shenwei. He was smirking at Wei time to time and keep looking at him with his lustful eyes.....ignoring everything. "Excuse me!" Chang excuse himself and come to Shenwei.

"Why you stand here with empty hand..." Chang said offering wine glass to Shenwei "I don't drink.." Wei politely rejected and Chang chuckle "Although drinking is not a good thing, but what's the harm in taking a sip once in a while for someone's happiness?" Chang again offer and this time Wei take it.

"There is no harm in drinking.....but there is harm in doing drama after drinking!" Shenwei said and both laugh "so you've zero tolerance...?" Chang asked and Wei nod "it's okay, this is a red wine alcohol free...trust me" Chang deliberately touch him while touching his waist....which makes Wei uncomfortable.

"Trust? On you...ha!ha! It's impossible....People like you deserve a slap, not trust" Shenwei shove Chang's hand and slapped him hard....and it's make him embarrassed in front of all the guests "how dare yo...."


"JUST SHUT UP! Do you know what will be the punishment for this mistake that you have done with me?" Shenwei again slapped him "Do you even know who my husband is, if he comes to know about this, then remember, your whole life will end in behind the prison!" Chang glaring at Wei "i kill you and your husband..."

"Huh! You going to kill my husband? for your kind information that dangerous police officer ZHAO YUNLAN whom you've been saving your life...... I'm his LIFE! so think once again, what if I told him about you and your behaviour against me" Shenwei threaten him then left from there in his anger.

Zhujiu who watching everything....run behind his angry friend. Zhujiu try to stop him but Wei swats his hand and gone ahead, but suddenly thunder strick and it started raining.....Shenwei startled because he scare of lightning. He run back to Zhujiu and cling other's arm in fear.....Zhujiu chuckle then they both run toward the car.

They sits inside and rain became heavier "thank god! your anger melt easily, Otherwise how would I persuade you to avoid the rain?" Zhujiu mocked and Wei roll his eyes "very funny, now drive Roulan is hungry.." Shenwei feels his wet clothes "I can't....look, it's heavy rainfall and driving is not a good idea"

"But Roul.....AAAHHH!!" again thunder strick happens and Wei yell in fear....and hide his face in Zhujiu's chest "Wei yo...." Zhujiu stunned to seeing Wei so close to him, it's like a dream comes true.....for Zhujiu. Wei's beautiful scary moist eyes and his trembled rosy pink lips make him more beautiful than before.

Zhujiu slowly lift Shenwei's chin up and lovingly looking into his eyes.... *⚡RUMBLE ⚡* once again thunder strick happens and Wei widen his eyes in shocked. It's not because of lightning....it's not because of his fear....Shenwei shocked because of Zhujiu who kiss him suddenly.

Shenwei about to pushed Zhujiu but thunder strick happens again....and Wei shiver. Zhujiu feels Wei's fear....he pulled Shenwei on his lap while wrapping his curve waist, without breaking the kiss.....and start devouring him. The outside environment was cold because of the rain, but the atmosphere inside the car was hotter than that.

"Um...uh" Zhujiu break the kiss and gently kiss Wei's neck and earlobe....and other close his eyes tightly when Zhujiu touches his sensitive point "ah...umm" a little but hot groan escaped from Shen Wei's parted lips whick make Zhujiu smile and his hand slowly sneak inside Wei's pant.


Shenwei snapped open his eyes when his phone rings....he immediately retreat himself and take out his cellphone in his heavy breathing....he looked at the caller ID and it's Yunlan. Shenwei without wasting received the call.

"How are you my beloved...Xiao Wei!" Yunlan said in the romantic way and tear drop from Wei's eyes "thank you for calling me...Ah lan! Thank you and I'm sorry...." Shenwei start crying which making Yunlan worry and suspicious in the same time...!!!!!


I'm sorry for delay....suffering with cold and fever 🤒😷

Please enjoy while reading 🙂

Thank you 😘🧡

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