"I'm not in the mood to do anything Cindy. I just want to be left alone." Talia covered her face with her blankets.

"Not today. Come on. Let's get you dressed." Cindy pulled Talia to her feet but she collapsed to the floor and refused to stand up. "My heart is dead Cindy and I'm next." Cindy hated seeing her so depressed. "Work with me Talia, let's go out. You don't have to talk to any guys but for God's sake please let's get out of this house." Cindy helped her up and wiped her tears. After thirty long minutes they were both dressed and ready to go.

An hour later Cindy was on the dance floor having the time of her life whilst Talia was sitting on a stool drinking water and crying over Damian. Alcohol wasn't alluring to her. The bartender looked at her, a question in his eyes but refrained from asking. The club had a few people and it suited Talia, she hated crowds. When Cindy suggested that they go out she didn't think in a million years it would be to a club, there weren't any strippers and it was a decent place but still she felt uncomfortable. Being out at night made her feel on edge, always. She was so wrapped up in her sorrow that she didn't notice a tall brunette take a sit next to her. "I'll have what she's having" he said to the bartender. "Water?" the bartender raised an eyebrow. "Yes. That." Talia turned and noticed the handsome stranger sitting next to her, she smiled, said hi and continued sulking. "You've a beautiful smile" she nodded, unsure what to say to him. She felt like her heart was being crushed. Damian used to compliment her on her smile all the time. Hearing the stranger say that to her made the already severe heartache worse. "He must've been so special to get such a reaction from you" Talia turned to face him "What are you talking about?"

"The asshole who dumped you. Isn't that why you're so sad. You shouldn't waste your tears on Damian he isn't worth it"

"How do you know?"

"I've seen you two around campus a couple of times, looking cozy. I put two and two together"

Talia frowned and cast her eyes on the floor, she wondered if anyone was laughing behind her back. "I thought I had everything under control. I thought he loved me but I was wrong and now I'm hurting." Talia stood but as she was about to leave the tall brunette grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. Talia wanted to slap him across the face for doing it but something inside her said no. "Before you go, dance with me. Just one dance"

"I can't dance and I want to go home. So no"

"It doesn't matter. Dance with me and then you can go. You've got nothing to lose" she stared into his brown eyes, they looked so sincere. She gave in and never regretted it.


"Lorenzo is dead and it's all over the news." Kevin's voice was low. He was upset and a tad bit frightened. "That stupid cunt didn't even bother warning me." Kevin clenched his teeth in frustration. "Damn it! How did this even happen?" Marcus listened but didn't respond, he didn't need to. He was there to take his orders as always. "Rose did it, there's no doubt in my mind about that. Find her and silence her." "Anything else?" Kevin's anger subsided a little bit "When you're done with Lucia take care of Talia. It's time to tie up all the loose ends. I don't wanna take any chances." Marcus nodded and left the office.

He knew Kevin regretted having not acted sooner the moment he found out about Lorenzo and Rose. He'd wanted to kill Lorenzo himself and punish Rose but he never expected Rose to retaliate the way she did. They underestimated her, she outsmarted them and that annoyed Kevin to the bone. Marcus on the other hand begrudgingly admired her moxie. In all his years as Kevin's muscle he'd never met a woman like Rose, willing to fight her way out of a life she detested even if it meant spilling blood. As he got into his car he was suddenly overcome with emotion. Once every year the memory he tried so desperately to forget became vivid in his mind. This time he didn't fight it, he let the images flood his mind. The end was fast approaching he could feel it in his gut. He flashbacked to his teenage years, analyzed all the choices he made. Every theft, every killing was vivid in his mind. He never forgot, couldn't forget the lives he'd ruined and for what? Nothing. The money, the drugs, the women all of it meant nothing to him. It couldn't bring back the life of the only woman he'd ever loved in his entire life. His mother. The guilt had driven him to madness, made him do things he wouldn't have dreamt of doing if she'd been alive to rein him in. He closed his eyes and conjured up the image of her. Her brown eyes and black curly hair. Her tall frame and slim fingers. She was a small woman but had such a strong spirit and a caring heart as well. Which was why she spent most of her time volunteering and doing charity work. He chuckled at the thought, she made it her duty to bring a smile on the face of whoever she met, wanted to end the world's suffering. She was sweet like that. She meant the world to him. A single tear fell from his eye. Had his grandparents forgiven him for what he did? He wanted them to but doubted they would. He hadn't forgiven himself. His mind took him back to that fateful Friday, all those years ago. His father's bloody knuckles, his mother's lifeless body lying on the couch and the gun Marcus was clutching in his hands. He had the weapon which could put an end to the madness. His finger was on the trigger, ready to pull and blast his father all the way to hell. He hesitated and by the time the shock subsided it was too late. He emptied the gun in his father's chest but his mother was long gone by then. His hesitation cost her, her life. He wiped the tears with the back of his hand and got behind the wheel. If only she'd been like Rose, willing to fight her way out of her dilemma maybe just maybe she'd still be alive.

Diabolical: The green-eyed monsterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz