Chapter 58

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After three days I woke up after the burning stopped

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After three days I woke up after the burning stopped. I looked over to see Jacob waking up too. As soon as our eyes met we both whispered "mate".

"Why am I your mate now?  I mean as a wolf you never imprinted on me right?" I asked.

"No I never did. Maybe thats because this is how it was suppose to work out?" He said.

"But you are married to Edward." He growls out.

"Hey we will figure something out okay?" I tell him.

Soon we leave the room and go to the throne room.
"Ahh Bella and Jacob your transition turned out well. Now do you want to feed on human or animal?" Aro asked.

"Animal because when we go back we do not want the family to know we fed on a human." I say.

"Understandable. There is a forest right outside the city that you all can go to."

We left the throne room and left the city. But what I did not know was someone was following us.

 But what I did not know was someone was following us

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I saw two vampires leaving where the Volturi live at. I was careful in my watch over them. I had never seen them before. I made sure to cloak myself to not be seen. They went into a forest to find some animals and fed off of them. I climbed up and tree to listen as they began to talk.

"Jacob, this plan is going to work. We can talk to Aro and the guard and come up with a plan to end all the packs. It is perfect. Hell if you want since we are both immortal now, you can kill Edward and we can run away together just you and me." The female says to Jacob.

Jacob, why does that name sound so familiar? "Bella, you need to be careful about this. Those packs will be under the protection of Rieka and Paul."

Holy shit. These are the two causing problems for my King and Queen.

"Once we go back, we will tell the Cullen's our plan and then attack the packs, kill those stupid brat twins, kill Paul, and then kill Rieka. We can attack in 4 days. We can do this okay? Now lets head back before they come looking for us." She says and they take off.

Bella and Jacob are planning on working with the Volturi to kill the King and Queen. Paul informed everyone that they let Jacob come home since he lost his wolf and could spend time with his father. Jacob must not have taken their warning seriously. This will be enough information to finally get rid of the vampires once and for all.

I quickly go back to my home and grab my phone to make a phone call.


"My King, I have evidence now to end the vampires once and for all."

Paul's POV

"My king, I have evidence now to end the vampires once and for all."

"What is going on?"

"I was near where the Volturi reside and saw two new vampires coming out that I have never seen before. I made sure to make myself hidden and followed them. They started talking into forest and it is Bella and Jacob. They are now vampires. They plan to work with the Volturi to come and kill the Prince and princess as well as you, Ri and all wolves. They plan to make their moves in 4 days." Carol the banshee stated.

"Thank you Carol for this information. Start making phone calls to others to prepare for war. Do not engage until you hear from me and I give the go ahead understand?" I ask.

"Yes My King, and please tell the Queen hello for me. I miss her."

"Of course I will pass along the message." I say and then hang up.

I go back inside and call a pack meeting. Within 5 minutes everyone and the imprints are here.

"Alright listen up. Things just took a turn and we need to get ready for battle. I just got a call from on of my guards/spies and they have confirmed the Volturi plan to make a move against us. But they have 2 people helping them. Bella and Jacob went there and got turned and are planning on helping to try and kill all the wolves. Patrols do not need two wolves at a time now since the threat isn't coming for 4 days. Bucky and Fenrir, I need you to start up trainings again. Imprints, you will be staying here at all times now within the magic barrier. I know it may seem extreme but I wouldn't put it passed them to try and harm one of you to get to us. There's plenty of space for you all here. Same goes for you wolves. I have phone calls to make but in 4 days all vampires will be terminated once and for all. Get ready the war is coming." I say and they all nod their heads.

The boys head outside to start training and the girls just relax around the house with the kids. "Ri, can you help me make phone calls please?" I ask her.

"Of course I will. Just give me the list of who you want me to call and I will do it." She tells me.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening calling several of our guards and spies. Ri even called Thor to inform him of what is going on. He was not happy to hear that Jacob did not take our warning seriously. We have even had to inform Billy that his son was now a leech and would be terminated permanently. He broke his heart knowing his son was one of them now.

I made sure to make it clear to all my guards and spies to have all their people on deck and ready to kill the vampires when I give the command. Since I have become King, I have worked on my power to where I can connect with my guards through mind link in my wolf form so they will know when I command them to make their moves.

4 days until these leeches are finished.

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