Chapter 38

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It has now been almost 8 months since Paul and I came to Asgard

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It has now been almost 8 months since Paul and I came to Asgard. We have gotten a lot accomplished during this time. The future of the wolves is looking strong. The supernatural world was starting to get strong and had a fantastic future ahead of them because of their king. Paul has started reaching out to all supernatural creatures except for vampires to inform them of his title now. They were all welcoming and respected him as King. When he would have meetings, he would listen to his peoples needs and help in any way that he could. He also protected them as well. Other supernaturals all seemed to hate vampires.

Paul came home one afternoon after several meetings and mentioned something. "Ri, I need some help and guidance if you can please." He said coming into our shared office.

"Yeah of course." We moved over to the couches to get comfortable. "It seems that all the supernatural beings I have met do not like vampires because the act as if they are privileged. I am not saying make a plan now, but should we consider ending the existence of vampires completely? The supernatural world would be safe and relaxed, and any victim would be as well." He states.

"You make a lot of valid points. Maybe we should start watching closer on how the vampires behave and act and if they start to cause more damage to both supernatural and human worlds then we make a plan to end them." I can see the wheels turning in his head knowing he is understanding what I am saying.

"Okay, I have trusted people in all areas of supernatural world to start keeping a look out and report to both of us. I want us to make this decision together. I will also make it known that vampires are not to know of my god title to prevent more problems." I nod my head agreeing.

We spend a little bit longer just sitting and talking about our days and how we are doing. This is one thing I love about him and I. We always make sure to sit down once a day and see how the other is doing and what we could do to help or take stress off of them.

One big project Paul has been working on is a supernatural kingdom. He has been talking with Uncle about instead of making our village area for pack only, maybe making it the Supernatural kingdom. Uncle, Paul and I have spent hours, days, and months talking about how we would do this.

We decided that the Supernatural kingdom will be built away from the palace to give us plenty of space for building. Uncle has had his best men working on building a supernatural castle and village area for those with supernatural abilities to have a permeant home, but are welcome to travel the realms.

There has been an agreement made that Asgardian people will stay out of the supernatural kingdom to keep everyone feeling comfortable. The supernaturals would consider anyone that is not a supernatural, god or goddess to be at risk of getting hurt from them.

That is why the agreement was made to keep their distance. I have even included the wolves in that agreement. Uncle, Paul and I have discussed only allowing uncle Thor into the kingdom since he is now the Allfather and king of Asgard.

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