Eternal Blue (Part 2) 🍋

Start from the beginning

It was odd how a pocket knife comforted her.

"Why did you ask me to come here, Xiao?" The question was cold, devoid of life and it's happiness, almost as if it was spoken by a complete stranger.

That was incredibly odd coming from her, who was almost the definition of sunlight and rainbows in Xiao's book.

"I made you a deal, didn't I?"

Always have to answer a question with a question, huh? Vague as ever.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at that, intense eyes now finally meeting his own with a similar sharpness that his own gaze usually held.

"Why did you take it from me in the first place?"

Internally, the man smiled. He loved how she was practically as sharp as that blade. Although he was a man of little words and you often had no idea what was going on in his head, she always had a hint. She was always onto him.

"I didn't think you needed it anymore."

"Cut the bullshit, Xiao." If he wasn't a stoic as a statue, (Y/N) might have actually seen him flinch. Her voice held a definite edge, practically laced with venom, her expression pissy and glaring. His name had never been spoken in such a way by her before, and it caused a feeling to stir in the pit of his stomach.

"Someone was following you."

Glare dissipated, now replaced with wide and confused eyes, yet they still held a deep softness, clearly trying to make sense of what little information he always gave her- but this- this was almost an actual answer for once.

Almost dumbfounded, she simply watched him for a few moments, her muscles visibly relaxing a bit.

"What?" She softly questioned, and between that look in her eyes and the tone of her voice, he had to look away. Admitting even that much left the man feeling... vulnerable. Weak.

His silence proved he didn't plan on explaining, so here she was again to try and draw the lines herself as she so often did with him.

"You mean someone from the bar? Someone who wasn't you?" His eyes flicked up to meet her own again, and while they held no hint of emotion as always, he didn't disagree, which she had previously found out that was his version of yes.

"And you.... You followed me too. Why?" Golden eyes shied away at that, his expression sharpening, his signal for irritation or whenever he didn't want to answer, but she was somehow still right.

She knew the answer deep down, but she wanted him to say it. She didn't want to give herself false hope. She didn't want to draw her own conclusions- she needed the words to fall from his lips.

"You followed me to check and see if I still had the knife, right? Did you want it back?" Oh, the way he shied away from her now, turning off to the side, almost away from her completely.

"Here, Xiao. Take it back. Keep it." Her voice swayed as she came over to him again, yanking his hand up and open so she could place the closed blade back in his palm, only to have him push her away with a surprising gentleness.

She knew the actual answer, but she was trying to force him to say it. It probably wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot.

"You're free from me now, Xiao. Take it. No strings left tying me to you anymore. You don't have to follow me around, acting like you fucking care-" Her voice broke now, the closed blade now falling to the floor with a thud, the man before her remaining unflinching.

"You don't- that's obvious. So whatever stupid obligation you feel to me- get over it. If some guy wants to murder me in an alley- let him. I fucking wish he would have, so I could be free of this- of feeling like this..." (Y/N) broke with a hiccup, tears streaming down her face as she slowly collapsed to the floor, sitting on her legs with her hands on the side of her head as she sobbed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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