
It was about twenty minutes before Stiles was knocking on the door for her to let him in. Ansley unlocked the door for him and looked round for Scott. "Where is he?" She asked, the worry in her voice clear.

"Well, we kinda got separated when my dad found me," Stiles told her as he started up the jeep. "We'll drive along the road until we find him."

Ansley had already opened the door and began to climb out. "Call me if you find him before I do." She could hear him attempting to protest but she shut the door without listening and started to wander through the woods to find her brother. Her mom would kill them both if she found out that she let him get lost in the middle of the reserve when there was a possible murderer on the loose. The woods were dark as the foliage was still thick on the trees, blocking out any light that the moon may be casting.

She had lost track of how long she was in the woods by the time that she heard it. A howl that chilled her to the bone. She knew that there were no wolves in Northern California, not the normal ones at least. "Scott!" She began to yell, not caring if the police were still searching in the woods. She needed to find her brother and get him out of there before it found either one of them. She heard what sounded like a stampede not far from where she was and took off running in the direction of it. "Scott!" She called out again.

"Ansley!" She finally heard him yell but it quickly turned into a scream. She didn't stop running as she followed the direction of his voice to a small clearing where she saw him rolling down a hill.

"Scott, are you okay?" She asked him as she made her way down the hill to his side. Her eyes widened as she saw the bite mark on his side, knowing she was right about what she thought was out there with them. "We need to get you out of here now." She said as she pulled her brother up to his feet, ignoring the groans of pain that were coming from him.

"Wait," he gasped out as he dropped down to the ground and started searching for something. "My inhaler."

"Leave it," she snapped as she pulled him back up to his feet again, but she realized why he needed it now. He was having an asthma attack. She searched through her purse, finding her own inhaler and holding it to his mouth. He took it, puffing it a couple times until he was able to breathe easier. "We'll come back and look for it tomorrow." She didn't give him another choice as she began to pull him towards the edge of the preserve.

"Ansley," Scott said as she continued to pull him up another hill.

"Scott, I will buy you another one if I have to." She said as she looked over her shoulder at him. She realized that he wasn't looking at her but at a pair of glowing red eyes that seemed to be circling them. "Run." She told him as she started to run again.

She didn't understand why it would come back, Scott was already bit. But you're not. She shook the thought out of her head as she pushed forward, racing to the road that she hoped wasn't much further away. Another howl made her jump and trip as it started to downpour. She lost her grip on Scott's hand as they began to roll down a very steep hill. She could hear the paws of the wolf growing closer to her as she tried to stop rolling but it felt as if the hill was never ending. She saw the tree getting closer as she continued to try to stop herself. She was moving too quickly to hit the tree without injury. She threw her hands out to try to stop herself but she still slammed into the trunk of the tree, the right side of her head slamming into it as well. She tried to push herself up but stars clouded her vision as she saw the unmistakable red eyes growing closer to her.

"Scott," she tried to call out but sound barely came out of her. She could see the outline of the beast as it was now only a few yards away. She curled into a fetal position to try to hide her body from it but knew that it was no use. The sharp feeling of fangs piercing her shoulder caused her to scream, the pain so overwhelming that it caused her to pass out.

Ansley McCallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora