twelve - Him

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Her cheeks blushed a rosey pink when she reads my words. My words could do that to the effortless beauty in front of me. I told myself I would never get her, that she would be disappointed for who I truly was.

But she was like the shining stars in the midnight sky. They were always there to look at-to gaze at, but I would never reach them.

She was the plain kind of beautiful, nothing extravegant to any other. But if you looked past her mop of curls and her half-hearted smiles, you'd find a girl with freckles sprinkled till the tip of her button nose, dimples playing behind each cheek, and eyes that resembled the color of mud. Hell, I never thought mud would ever be appealing, but with her; everything started to become beautiful.

Because with everything I would look at, I saw her.

My dear Cassidy,

~you are a daisy

in a garden full of thorny roses

your petals, w i l t e d

but remain a pure, untainted white

though you are never picked

it is best to leave the things you l o v e alone to grow

never to be picked, to prevent disappointement,

to prevent d e a t h.

~i am the gardener

in the beauty of your presence

even though I would love

to keep you as my own

that flower is best left away from my fingertips.


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