five ~ Her

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As I read the note from A memories of my own past came flooding back. They knew what it was like to live with pain on your shoulders, but a smile on your face. I wanted to know who they were, their name, just everything.

I thought a lot about them during the day, especially when the last licks of sunlight dripped from the horizon.

Emotions like waves. This phrase haunted me all through the night to the point where I needed to get my overwhelming thoughts down on paper. I looked down to the crumped, worn scrip in my hand, laying it on the desk.

I wrote you something--

then there are days when i would just float in the middle of the ocean, letting the current take me to a direction unknown.

but i could care less what happens if the waves i call emotions enclose me, taking my breath away.

because being breatheless would be much easier than having to almost drown each day by the waves constantly crashing down on me.

please tell me your name, just anything. -C


A/N Hope everyone is liking the book so far; if you are boop that star in the upper right corner c: Thank you for reading ~Kai

SOMEONE SPECIAL MADE THE BOOK COVER C: i love her <3 thanks bae

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