seven ~ Her

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Cassidy. I scanned the roughly written letters with fear spreading through my veins. How could I ever open up to someone that knew who I was; the book was my only wall to hide behind, and it was gone now.
Yet, I still felt a pull inside my heart to tell them--her, him, it didn't matter who they were. Somehow I knew they would understand. I know what I did was horrible, and I'll never forgive myself, but I can't reverse time.
Dear A,
I trust you.
When I was younger my mother would always place me on a scale, like some sort of meat you weighed at the grocery store. I always wondered why she would do this, but I soon found out at the age of 9. It was then when she started making me go on diets.
She called me worthless, fat, un-necessary, a pig; when I didn't maintain my weight for that week she'd beat me. I felt so horrible.
For years I told other girls who were bigger they were fat because I thought it was the norm. I wanted them to be skinny like me so they wouldn't get hit, get bruises. They wouldn't have to cry everynight because of the number on the scale.
It was in 6th grade when one of the girls I told those things to killed herself.
I didn't know what I had caused till a week later when the police found out and arrested my mother for child abuse. It was all my fault though, now that little girl with a life ahead of her is dead. And it should have been me.
a/n Thank you all for your votes, comments, and reads. Guys we just got #280 in short story! I couldn't have done it without all of you. Keep commenting and voting if you enjoy!
I was hopping around my homeroom today and fell out of my desk because I was so happy. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH <3 ~kai

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