He sat there for a second and wiped the sweat from his brow. Then the thought of spencer hit him. He needed to get home to spencer. He couldn't leave him alone. So he grit his teeth again and tightened his makeshift bandage. With his crossbow hung over his shoulder he turned and again pushed himself up off the floor and up the stony wall. Vine after vine one step in front of the other. The sweltering heat combined with the blood loss made him dizzy but he couldn't give up. Not with spencer and Henry back at camp needing him. Not with Merle standing over him trying to his hand at 'encouraging'.

"Cmon darylina, dont be no pussy now." He taunted. Daryl hated it. It was annoying and the same things the asshole always said. Daryl ignored it and he made it almost all the way to the top. The last stretch was painful, he was tired and dizzy and angry. But he kept pulling. With a final surge he pushed himself up over the edge of the cliff side and lay nearly flat on the ground. Then with another deep breath he sat up and moved on. The only thing keeping him going was the thought of spencer holding Henry. That's all he wanted to see right now and he would be damned if he didnt get that.


Morgan trudged up the pathway to the farm with his gun in his hand. Spencer and hotch fast approaching. "Any news?" Hotch asked. Morgan nodded. "Shane is out there and definitely. Having some kind of psychosis induced meltdown. Ran into him but he ran off before he could be captured. He thinks that that night on the porch he was the one sitting next to you helping with Henry instead of daryl." Morgan explained. You could see the cogs in spencer head turning. "Because of the perceived loss of Lori and carl. And the stress of carl being shot he snapped, killed Otis and is now projecting." Spencer explained out loud. Then he glanced around.

"Where's daryl?" He asked. His eyebrows knit together. Before morgan could answer Andreas voice rang out. "Walker, we got a walker." That fought all of their attentions. Spencer glanced to the field. And saw rick, glenn and Emily running to the walker in the field. "I bet I can get it from here." Andrea said. Something n spencer sank. "Andrea no, dont!" He said. Andrea rolled her eyes. "It's fine I can get it." She said again. "Andrea stop!" Spencer screamed as the shot rang out. The figure fell to the ground and the small group in the field turned and waved their hands. Spencers eyes filled with tears and he shook with rage. He found himself sprinting to the field without warning and before he could stop himself he screamed.

"Andrea you dumb bitch, why can't you ever just listen!?" He heard hotch and morgan sprinting behind him and he caught up to the group carrying daryl back to the farm. "Is he.." spencer started to ask. "He's fine." Emily said. She grabbed spencer by the shoulders and all but forced spencer to look her in the eye. "Spencer look at me buddy. He's ok. He's fine. Everything is gonna be ok." She said. Spencer shook his head. "Why couldn't Andrea just listen? He's hurt..." spencer said. Fighting back tears. The slightly shorter woman wrapped her arm around Spencer's shoulders and pulled him in the direction of the farm house. "C'mon, lets help get him cleaned up. Ok?" She said.

Spencer could barely manage a nod.


Later when daryl came back to consciousness he the first thing he saw was spencer, his boys eyebrows knit together in worry as he focused on the gash daryl knew was on the side of his head. "Hey." He whispered quietly. The small sound shocked spencer out of his revere. "Hey." He responded. "What you doing?" Daryl asked. Spencer hummed and looked back to his work. "Im just finishing up your stitches." He said. "How are you doing?" The hunter asked. Noticing the red around Spencer's eyes, and the dried tear tracks left on his chin. Spencer laughed slightly. "I should be asking you that, your the one who was shot. And stabbed." He said. Withering toward the end. Daryl didnt say anything for a second and just stared at the man in front of him. He placed a gentle hand on Spencer's chin and just held him while he took stuttering breaths.

"You gave me a heart attack you know." Spencer said. Sniffing away some tears. Daryl stayed quiet again and just watched as the man in front of him fought to not break down. "You know your the only reason i didnt give up." Daryl said. A sob escaped Spencer's lips then and daryl pulled him forward. Spencer felt rough lips hit his in a kiss that said everything they couldn't find the words for. They felt safe. "Next time any of those assholes try to shoot me they best hope they actually kill me." Daryl said. Trying to lighten the mood. Spencer gave him a soft chuckle. "Next time you get shot you better hope you die because if you dont ill kill you myself for giving me so much anxiety." He shot back. The two smiled at eachother for a few more moments till there was a knock on the door. Spencer was the first to pull away and daryl pulled the blanket up over his shoulders as carol walked in.

"Hey, brought you both some food." She said. Wiggling around some plates of corn and some kind of meat. A small garden salad at the side. Spencer smiled at her. "Thank you carol." He said. Carol just smiled and left the room. "Shes more powerful than she thinks she is." Spencer said. Daryl nodded in agreement. "How's her little girl doing?" Daryl asked. Spencer shrugged. "She's still in a coma. If she doesn't wake up in the next few days then she'll end up starving to death." Spencer said. Stating the facts. Daryl sighed. "She's strong. She'll pull through." Daryl said. Spencer stood up and handed daryl a plate before sitting down himself. "You need help sitting up?" Spencer asked. Daryl scoffed. "Climbed a cliff with a hole in my side I can sit up just fine." He said. Spencer gave the man a playful poke and rolled his eyes. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should." He said. Watching the man sit up slowly. Spencer couldn't help but appreciate the sight of daryls chest and shoulders.

"You checking me out?" Daryl asked. Eyeing spencer. The younger man smirked "oh absolutely." He replied. Quickly shoveling some corn into his mouth. Daryl huffed a small laugh. It was an enjoyable afternoon. Even after everything that happened. Even with daryl injured and in bed. At least spencer knew that at the end of this day, the same number of people he woke up with this morning would be sleeping tonight. And for now. That was enough.

And to top it all off at the very end of the day carol ran out of the house with a smile and a laugh and exclaimed that Sophia had woken up.

Fight for each other (daryl Dixon x Spencer Reid)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu