「Phase 134」Brand New World

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Usagi paused and looked down. "I haven't seen her at all..."

"I wonder how long everything's going to be like this," Claire whispered. "I wonder if we're going to be able to do our concert after all..."

Usagi and Hikaru jumped, quickly exchanging glances.

"Do you think it'll be fixed in time...?"

"It has to be, right?" Usagi asked. "We still have like - two whole weeks until the big day!"

Claire looked down. She clenched her fist. "I don't want it to end here." She bit her lip. "After that audition, all I wanted to do was perform alongside BubbleAsu. I... don't want us to lose our chance to prove ourselves to the world. To show everyone just what we're made of!" Her voice increased in volume and her eyes were filled with determination. "I don't want to leave my dream on standby whilst waiting for a company to do something for me. I'll take matters into my own hands - even if that means performing without the system!"

The entire hallway was plunged into silence and Claire froze. Obscuring her face with her hair, she was quick to look down. "I'm, erhm, not sure where that came from... I was kinda... not thinking that much... Ignore what I said, I just..."

"...Do you think it's possible?" Hikaru asked. "Doing Aikatsu without the system?"

"It'd lose a lot of its impact, wouldn't it?" Saki suggested.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Usagi placed her hand over her heart. "I'm not sure that's true. Even if the system is cool, what made eclipse's performance so amazing was the hard work and feelings pouring through. I think that's why Divinity Heaven's felt so different, even though they also managed to fully bloom." She grabbed Claire's hands with a fierce smile. "You should try it, Claire-chan! I'm sure - I'm sure that you can convince everyone that Aikatsu isn't over yet!"

"Usagi-chan..." Claire whispered. She smiled. "Alright, I'll give it a try."

"You will?" Saki asked. "Are you sure?"

"I have nothing to lose," Claire said. "I miss performing, anyway."

"I do too but..."

Hikaru gave a small smile. "I'm a little excited to watch. It'll be different."

"I wonder what it'll be like~," Minori agreed.

"When you all put it like that..." Saki muttered. She smiled. "Alright. I'll be waiting to watch your performance, Claire-chan!"

"Me too!" Usagi exclaimed. "I really can't wait!"

─── 。゚☽: * .◇. * :☾ ° . ───

"Do you think it'll be possible?" Claire asked, pushing forward a page of scribbled down ideas. Hajime read over them, resting her chin on her hands. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It is possible. But most workers specialise in setting up Aikatsu. Performing without it isn't exactly common anymore, after all."

"I understand," Claire said. "But I don't want to sit around waiting for others."

"For Luna-san's sake?"

Claire paused. Then, she smiled and shook her head.

"For my sake."

Hajime smiled, almost glowing. "It's good to hear you say that."

"You're overreacting. Anyway, back on topic. This... means a lot to me. I'd be more grateful than anything if you could sort something out."

"I probably could."

"Thank you, Hajime."

"...Hey, is it okay if I come and watch?"

Aikatsu Crescent! BRIGHTEST☆STARS || アイカツクレセント!Season 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz