19- Adeline Knight- "Did you finish?"

Start from the beginning

I am confident in his skills that he can. No one makes me feel the way that he does and right now, that's all that I need.


"Adeline." I heard Lorenzo's voice say, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I said, shaking my head and taking my hand out of my pocket.

I was repeatedly running my fingers over the card that was left on my desk and didn't even notice.

"You haven't even eaten anything. Are you sure everything alright?" He asked, waiving for a waiter.

"I think I just need some rest." I lied.

"Okay." He said, frowning. "I'll take you home then."

I nodded.

The car ride home was filled with silence and I didn't know if I wanted to choose to sit in it or work up the courage to speak.

Thankfully, I didn't have to choose.

"We're here." He said getting out of the car.

I watched as he walked around the front of the car and opened the door for me.

I stepped out and watched as he closed the door behind me.

"Look, I'm sorry abou..." I started to say but Lorenzo just put a finger to my lips to shush me.

"It's okay, amore." He said, pulling me in and embracing me in his arms.

The warmth of his body comforted me but made me feel vulnerable all at the same time.

I lifted me head again so that I was looking up at him. His dark eyes sparkled a beautiful sparkle like a star in the sky, making me smile.

"What?" He asked, smiling.

"Nothing." I giggled. "Let's go inside."

Walking into my own house feels different when I'm with Lorenzo. There's a tension in the air that isn't normally there.

A feeling of happiness and bliss.

"I've been longing to take a bath, you can go ahead and go to bed. I'll come join you as soon as I'm done." I said, kissing his cheek and heading my room to get to my bathroom.

Before I could get far, he grabbed me by the waist to turn me around so that I was facing him and wrapped his hand around my throat, backing me against the wall.

His eyes were eager and so full of lust that made me completely soaked, which doesn't help that fact that I didn't choose to wear underwear in this pencil skirt.

He then unexpectedly let go of me and put his face in his hands, making me feel empty, and frankly speaking, horny.

That was exactly what I needed to take mind off things and he just took it away from me.

"Sorry, you had a long day. I don't want you to feel too overwhelmed." With that said, we walked into my room as I followed to get to my bathroom.

If he won't fix my problem, then I'll do it myself.

I gathered my things to get ready to shower and saw Lorenzo laying in my bed looking back at me.

"Don't keep me waiting too long." He said, giving me a weak smile.

I could tell that there's something that he wasn't telling me but I decided not to ask.

I nodded and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the bath to the right temperate and started getting undressed.

As soon as the water was filled to where I wanted it, I got in, feeling the warmth of that water swallowing me in and keeping me in comfort.

I moved my fingers down to my clit and started to move them in tight circles, my eyes fluttering closed as I thought about his hands teasing me in all the right ways.

I placed my other hand on my breasts, kneading it like he had done before, making me even more wet than I already am.

I felt the built up need that was aching in my core intensify as I moved my fingers from teasing my clit to thrusting it into my pussy, making it harder to suppress my moans as I thought about how his fingers would skillfully move in and out of my needy core.

And as I felt myself release, I couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips that was a little louder than I had intended.

I drained the tub and rinsed off my body, throwing on a oversized t-shirt so that I could go panty less.

When I got out of the bathroom, I saw that Lorenzo was already asleep in my bed.

I closed the table lamp and laid in bed, situating myself in a comfortable position under the covers.

Before I was able to get comfortable though, I felt the familiar pair of strong arms grip my waist, pulling my back against his bare chest.

"Did you finish in there? Or would you like me to help you?" He said, pushing against me even more so that I felt his hard length on my back, as his hot breath tickled my neck.

I felt his hands slowly moving down to my lower reigns and I was horny again, I was never able to completely finish after my first night with Lorenzo.

"No panties?" He chuckled, sliding the front of my shirt up. "You little slut."

His fingers found its way to my clit and traced circles around it, teasingly, reminding me of what I did in the tub. "Your so wet for me love."

"Mmm...." I groaned.

"Your a mess for me already aren't you?" He chuckled, quickening his pace.

"Please—" I whimpered, trying to form words.

"Let you cum?" He said cutting me off. "Too bad you already did in the bathroom."

He removed his fingers from my clit and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Goodnight." Leaving me to not being able to finish again.

The next chapter is in Lorenzo's POV, should I stick to one or the other? I can't decided but I enjoy writing Adeline's POV so I've done more of her opposed to his.

Published- 4/10/22
Word count- 1468

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