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- Jinsoul's POV

I still can't believe that I'm at the beach with Jiwoo. A girl who just kissed the person I like.

"Jiwoo can we talk?"

"What is there left to talk about huh?"

"About you kissing Jungeun. I also wanted to apologize for being dumb about not knowing her feelings for me." I said looking at her.

"Take a seat, it's awkward looking up to you." Jiwoo patted the seat beside her. She just stared at the sea, crashing waves.

"Do you lik—

"I liked her, past tense. Why'd you ask?" She asked me with her puffy eyes.

"I know now.. I know that I like her." I confessed to Jungeun's bestfriend.

"Congratulations, Jinsoul. Please make her happy and take care of her."

"Of course, I'm not gonna be stupid anymore. By the way, what happened to you and Sooyoung?"

"Oh.. haha, long story short. It wasn't really real for her, It was real for me but for her it wasn't. I liked Jungeun too so.."

"Maybe it was real for her, I know Sooyoung, Jiwoo. Maybe she's scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of real love, commitment and shits for a true relationship."

She just nodded and then we just listened to nature. —

I could see Jungeun from away. I wanna talk to her. I wanna hug her. I wanna apologize to her. I just want to love her in peace an-

"Jinsoul! Jiwoo! Let's talk inside shall we?" Vivi suggested and smiled.

"Oh unnie, your practice is done already?" Jiwoo said walking towards Vivi-unnie. The older girl just nodded and looked at me.

"Are you both okay now?" She asked us, Jiwoo and I. I just looked at Jiwoo and was unsure of what my answer should be.

"Yes, we are!" Jiwoo smiled brightly, that's her huge smile, I hope her smile's always real. I smiled at her back as well.

We went inside the beach house and all their eyes were on me.

"Where are the other unnies?" Yeojin asked. I shrugged, I miss her. 

I walked out and sat on the hammock outside. I feel like shit. Jungeun does not deserve everything I did to her. 

I saw Sooyoung coming back, with Jungeun. Yves smiled at me and of course, I smiled back. Jungeun just went straight to the house and did not bother to say "hi" to me. I don't blame her tho.

I stood up and went inside also. The others were there and surprised that we were together.

Jungeun smiled at them but, not at me. 

I looked like a stranger. Like I was nothing to her, to Jungeun.

"Let's cook. It's almost time for dinner." Haseul suggested.

"Gowon, no. Don't let your girlfriend cook, Hyeju." Jungeun joked, she still got it.. Hyeju took her girlfriend to the living room to play pubg. 

We continued cooking which was hectic but it's fine. Jungeun and I, we still haven't talked. Even if we were partners in everything, I think there's not a chance of us talking.

I tried to start so many conversations with her, she just ignores me. 

- time pasts..

It has been 3 days after we went to the beach house. She doesn't visit my house anymore, no more katsus, no more movie time, no more hang outs, no more us. 

If we went to practice, she would just have a day with Junhui and that killed me. I love how she's happy, but I want to be happy too, with her. 

I cleared things with Mingyu, I knew he liked Wonwoo. He was just like me, but at least they're in a good relationship now, a lovely one. I just regretted that I was stupid and blind.

Now, we're practicing and I'm here seating on the floor. I'm trying to ignore everything but I can't. I don't want to lose her, even if we'll just be friends. Again, please.



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