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"YOU! You did this. You killed her!!! You killed her you bitch!!!" Vicky Blaze lunged at Maria, the hatred and anger fuelling her assault. Maria shrank back in terror aware of the fact that if she didn't Vicky would tear her to pieces for a crime she didn't commit, a crime that was non-existent. Grief deluded the mind, it blinded people to the reality of a situation and made them irrational. Vicky was living proof. Her eyes were red and her fists were clenched, her demeanor screamed bloody murder. Maria was scared out of her mind for her life. Michael held Vicky by the waist to stop her from making a fatal mistake. Vicky screamed and threshed her arms attempting to get a hold on Maria but Michael's firm grasp kept her at bay. Nurses and patients alike just stared in awe as Vicky Blaze broke down in the hospital following the death of her twin sister Vivian Blaze. Lilian, her mother stood glued to the hospital entrance unable to bring herself in because her worst nightmare had been realized. Vivian was gone. She was dead, deep down she'd always known Vivian was never going to get better but it didn't stop her from hoping for a miracle. At that moment a searing hatred for God consumed her. Why would he give her children after years of asking only to take them all on the same day? Was it her punishment for the sins of the past? She blocked the mental image from her mind and tried to focus on the situation at hand. Vicky needed her now more than ever, Vivian's death left a void in Vicky's heart which couldn't be filled. Lilian needed to be strong for her daughter and grandchild. She wiped the tears flowing on her cheeks and dragged herself inside. Now was not the time to cry.

That was a year ago, the longest and most heartbreaking year of Lilian Blaze's life. She watched from the sidelines as her daughter descended into madness and she couldn't stop it. Nothing and no one was getting through to Vicky, her mind was muddied by the belief that Maria was sorely responsible for her sister's death. Day and night she wouldn't let up and it became obvious soon enough that Maria's life was in mortal danger. Vicky wanted to do more than hurt her, she wanted to kill her. Which left Maria with no choice but to have her institutionalized. Maria, the nurse who'd cared for Vivian in her final hours and best friend of both sisters tried to reason with her but she was met with hostility. Vicky couldn't and wouldn't accept Vivian's death. In her eyes someone was responsible, someone had to be blamed. Vivian's illness came suddenly, she was fine one morning and the next her health deteriorated. Her husband, Michael, urged her to go to the hospital but she shrugged it off said it was a stomach bug and would pass. It never did. Instead it worsened and after three excruciating weeks she passed away. The doctors ruled it as a natural death. The cause unknown. Vicky couldn't accept the fact and in her mind blamed Maria. She was the only nurse caring for Vivian, the only one who gave her medication. She'd poisoned Vivian. But why would she? What did Maria stand to gain by killing Vivian, her best friend? It didn't make sense. But her accusation got the rumor mill running in St Derek's Dale. Two friends torn apart by the death of the other's sister.

"You may have everyone fooled with your good girl act Maria but I know the truth. I know what you are, you're a snake and I'll expose you. I will stop at nothing until I make you pay for what you did to my sister. YOU HEARING ME BLONDIE? I will make you pay. Screw taking you to jail, I will kill you with my bare hands when I get out of here. I WILL KILL YOU!" Vicky shrieked as her mother watched in pure horror mortified by the extent of her illness. Hope for the lost, one of the best hospitals in Sunnyside, housed at least a hundred patients suffering from depression and dementia. Patients were treated with the utmost care, meals were provided on a daily basis and at regular intervals. At least 70% of the people admitted to the hospital recovered in the space of one year and it wasn't a surprise really, the staff, equipment and the service was state-of-the-art. It was the primary reason why it was named Hope for the lost. So how come the doctors weren't making any headway with Vicky? She didn't have a history of mental illness, she was a strong girl, headstrong and confident so how come she wasn't getting any better? Was Vicky doomed to be just another statistic? Part of the 30% that didn't recover from deep depression? No! Not her Vicky. She couldn't lose another child. She'd already lost Vivian, she'd never survive it if she lost Vicky too. But looking at her Vicky, straitjacket on screaming and shouting Maria's name, a little hope died. Vicky's once beautiful hazel nut eyes which showed a confident woman who could take care of herself showed a woman over the edge. They were red, bags under them and hollow. Staring into them was like staring into a deep dark hole, all you could see was emptiness. She looked ten years older, her voice was grouchy and hoarse from the shouting and screaming. Her whole demeanor yelled maniac.

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