Stepping Up, Chapter 31

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"I think I have a way to keep us from being broken up," Tibs said, then shoved food in his mouth, ignoring the looks. He'd been thinking about it more and more as their run approached. And with it being the next day, he was out of time to find a different method.

"I was not aware we were about to be broken up," Khumdar said.

"He means from another one of us graduating," Mez said.

"I thought we'd agreed you were going to make sure to fail whatever test they were going to give you," Jackal said.

"That's not sure to work," Tibs replied. "My idea is going to ensure it."

"I don't think there's any way to make sure we don't graduate," Carina said.

"If we don't do the runs," Tibs said, "we can't get stronger."

"That is not true," Khumdar replied, "but I understand your reasoning."

"But we have to do the runs," Mez said. "That's what we are here for."

"And with how attentive the guild is of you, Tibs," Jackal said, "I doubt they'll let you just not do it without punishing you in some way, maybe by breaking us up."

Tibs nodded. That had been one of the reasons this method was the only one he could come up with. Everything else and Tirania might decide he was testing her patience.

"We can't do a run if one of us is in a cell."

"No," Jackal stated.

"Why would any of us end up in a cell?" Mez asked.

Tibs raised an eyebrow at the archer. "For breaking a rule."

"You're always breaking the rules," Mez replied, for once without accusation. "You're a rogue, you have to."

"No, Tibs," Jackal said.

"But if I get caught," Tibs told Mez, "I'll still be sent to a cell, and the team can't do a run."

"I said no."

"But you don't get caught," now Mez's tone had some annoyance in it. "You're too good."

Tibs smiled, surprised at the indirect compliment. "But I can make sure I get caught."

"Why did you all make me the team leader if you're just going to ignore me?" Jackal asked.

"There's going to be other runs," Tibs replied. "And once Sto graduates to Rho, the loot's going to be better."

The fighter looked at Tibs. "You really think this is about the loot?"

"When is it not?" Carina asked, covering up a smile with her tankard.

Jackal opened his mouth and closed it. "This time, it isn't."

"It's not going to be bad," Tibs said. "I'll make sure it's something small, so it'll just be a few days. Harry likes me, so he's not going to be harsh."

"Knuckles hates rogues," Jackal replied. "And he won't be involved in you being sent to a cell unless it's big. But I don't want you to do it, anyway. You have no idea what the cells are like."

Tibs shrugged. "There'll be other rogues. Probably other Runners. It's not that bad, won't be as crowded as the cell I was in before coming here."

Jackal shook his head. "There's more than just Runners breaking the rules, Tibs. Most Runners make sure not to break them because it can cost them a run. What you have in those cells are criminals coming here because they think a new town is easy pickings. Only they then have to deal with Knuckle's guards. And one of the reasons they're better than they should be for a town like this has more to do with us keeping them on their toes than them working for Knuckles. So those criminals in the cells aren't going to be happy with any Runner thrown in there."

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