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Vegeta wasn't at Capsule Corp, but meditating in the wilderness. So far, it was working. No Kakarot to disturb him, so his heat could pass without any incident. He'd fucked his wife until she passed out, and his tail had grown back, the former being nothing new.

His tail was sitting comfortably around his waist, like he had trained it all those years ago. He would get rid of it when the heat passed. Cutting it off before the moon phase was over would just be painful and it would probably try to grow back again.

His cock, however, had been hard ever since he had stormed away from the party. He felt like a fucking teenager, except with less curiosity and more self loathing.

Vegeta didn't jerk off. He fucked. He had dignity. Jerking off was below him.

But Gods, he was so close to doing it. Even though it wouldn't fix anything. Meditation would have to do. A week of meditation would be a piece of fucking cak--

"Hey Vegeta!"

"Fuck!!!" Vegeta opened his eyes, staring up at the orange clad idiot, "What the fuck do you want?"

"Uh, my tail's grown back and I can't get rid of my, uh, hard-on..? Is this normal?" Goku asked, sitting down on the nearest rock.

Vegeta covered his eyes with a gloved hand. "Fuck. Yes, Kakarot. Now fuck off! I need to be left alone."

"Hey! Your tail is back too! How'd you get it to loop around your waist? If I try--"

Vegeta tackled him to the ground, pinning his hands above his head. "You!!! You need to listen to me, you stupid sonnovabitch. I swear, if you don't fucking leave this minute--" he cut himself off, panting and staring down at Kakarot.

Goku stared back, lips parted in surprise. His chest was so wide and his biceps were so thick and his wrists were so hot even through his gloved hands. His hard cock was flush against his, so warm, he could just grind down and--

"No!" Vegeta leapt backwards, but Goku grabbed his wrist.

"Please." Goku uttered, begging for something, anything.

Vegeta stared at him, and snatched his wrist away. "Take care of it yourself." He murmured, but he didn't turn to leave. He just stood there, eyes on the man on the ground.

Goku was confused. Was that... a command? Vegeta wasn't moving. When Vegeta raised a challenging eyebrow, he untied the sash of his gi and almost sobbed when he reached in and wrapped a hand around his cock. His tail swished behind him, low and submissive.

Kami, it felt like his whole body was on fire. Even more so when Vegeta stared at his cock. Although Vegeta's erection was so prominent in his jumpsuit, he didn't touch himself. He must have the self-control of a saint.

"Look at you. So shameless." Vegeta said, crossing his arms, "I bet if I offered my leg, you'd hump it."

Kakarot whined in response, bucking up into his hand. Vegeta laughed cruelly, "That was an insult, not a suggestion, but..." He tilted his head to the side, contemplating the idea, "I want to see you rut against my leg like a dog." He said, sticking his leg out.

Goku was not above that. He got onto his knees and crawled over to Vegeta, his face red and full of eagerness. He didn't mind playing weird games to get off, he just needed to come. He straddled Vegeta's boot, his cock pressing up against Vegeta's shin, and he rocked against it.

Vegeta watched the pathetic display unfold before him, but his heart was beating in his chest. He had no idea that Kakarot was this submissive, and the very fact that this was happening made his cock pulse in his pants. Oh, the things he could make Kakarot do.

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