Blood Moon

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It started with a lunar event.

"There's going to be a super moon! It's the closest the moon is going to be to Earth in hundreds of years! And a total lunar eclipse!" Gohan gushed over breakfast.

"Huh," Goku said through his mouthful, "What does that mean?"

His son laughed, "It means the moon is going to look bigger than normal and take on a reddish tint."

"Cool!" Goten and Goku said at the same time.

Chi-Chi smiled at her family. She remembered Goku telling her about oozaru, and she was grateful that he couldn't transform any more. Plus, having a husband with a tail didn't appeal to her at all. "Why don't we have dinner under the stars tonight?" She suggested.

"Oh! Can Trunks come?" Goten asked, and started fidgeting with excitement.

Chi-Chi shrugged, "How about I call Bulma? We could have a dinner party!"

Goten celebrated in his seat, and Goku's face lit up. Bulma coming over meant Vegeta would come too, and that meant they could spar.

Chi-Chi saw that look and snorted. Goku was such a puppy dog when it came to Vegeta. She was still waiting for him to figure his feelings out. They'd talked about how he felt about Vegeta, but she didn't want to spell it out for him.


"Hey, Chi-Chi, can I ask you a question?" Goku asked one night, sweaty and spent.

"Mm-hmm." Goku could ask her anything after sex. It was that good.

"So, uh... You know how my dick gets hard before sex?"

Okay, she wasn't expecting this question. "Yeah?"

"That's the only time it should be getting hard, right?"

She sat up, looking at him. Oh goodness, what kind of horrible confession was coming? "Goku... what are you saying?" She asked carefully, heart thudding in her chest.

Goku knew he was in trouble, so he sat up too, "Okay so, sometimes... when I fight..?"

Chi-Chi sighed, nodding, and then froze, "You haven't been fighting with beautiful women, have you?" She bet it was that android lady. She was going to have to give her a stern talking too.

"Uh... No? Just Vegeta."



"Wait... Just Vegeta?" Chi-Chi frowned.

"Yeah! But I dunno why. I'm not thinking about sex."


Chi-Chi nodded once, processing this. "I... I don't know much about the male body. When Gohan went through puberty, he got random erections for no reason." She said, grasping at straws, "Did that happen to you?"

Goku shook his head, "I only get hard when you touch my dick."

She frowned. "Okay, well, maybe it's Saiyan puberty." Or maybe her husband was gay. She snuggled up to him, "Hey, you love me, right? You're attracted to me?"

Goku grinned, wrapping his arms around her, "Yeah! You're so pretty, and I love touching you and I love your smell, and I love..." his words got muffled as he started kissing her neck.

Chi-Chi smiled. Things were fine.


"The event starts around 11.11pm," Gohan explained when the Briefs family showed up at sunset. Videl had arrived with Pan, and Piccolo had accepted the invite as well.

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