history of this alternate timeline part 1 (2nd update)

Start from the beginning

And with America's acquisition of Texas this cause the Mexican Government to declare war on the United States of America.

The war only lasted six months due to the fact that America was already at 1890s level of tech.

This allowed the American's to steamroll mexico. However unlike our timeline America anexxed all of mexico and proclaimed Federation of North America.

 However unlike our timeline America anexxed all of mexico and proclaimed Federation of North America

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The American civil war.

Nearly 30 years after the defeat of Mexico, North America found itself in a precarious situation with both pro and anti-slavery groups constantly paranoid about the other.

And with plenty of new anti-slave states being admitted into the Federation the southern states felt oppressed (ironic) and would declare independence if Abraham Lincoln of the newly formed Republican party became president.

Unfortunately for the southern States Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. And with this cause plenty of the southern states to secede from the Federation and formed the confederate States of America. This sparked the American civil war.

The war began Apr 12, 1861 and ended june 23, 1863.

The war lasted two years and one month and costed 2.6 million North American lives.

The only reason the war was so deadly was because the both party's we're using 1917 technology such as tanks and planes.

The South American wars.

Now while all of that was happening in North America, South America was going through many Wars of its own. (now i'm only going to talk about the last war for reasons, the two main one's is because i'm not that well informed on South American politics at the time and I'm lazy)

The final war between South America country's specifically lasted from the 1860s to the 1870s and was called the South American unification War.

This was a war between the greater Empire of La Plata and the Empire of Brazil. the war lasted until 1867 to 1875 with the Empire of Brazil the winner. With the defeat of the greater Empire of La Plata the Empire of Brazil annexed La Plata and declared the South American Empire.

The Spanish-North American war.

Now this war started for two reasons. One of these two reasons was the fact that cuba and the Philippines were tired of being oppressed by the spanish.

The other reason was because the USS maine had suddenly blown up in Havana Harbor but luckly due to the fact that the F.N.A had 1920s technology the ship was able to withstand the damage and was able to return to the Federation and be repaired.

After this happened the Government was trying to figure out what happened until the Official F.N.A Naval Court of inquiry ruled in March that the ship was blown up by a mine. After this Congress and the majority of the American public had no doubt that the Spanish government had something to do with this.

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