First night out

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I was still mad at him, so I was sticking my tough at him to show him that I am mad at him whenever our eyes collided. But that was not making him feel bad, because he smiled or even chuckled whenever I did that. Well, that was not what I was hoping for. It seemed like he was enjoying my annoyance, which made me madder.


Peter's POV

I am loving it. The attention she is giving to me. How open she looks while drunk, I like this, Rose. Well, I like all of her. Her shy side, scared side, her angry side and now this cute drunken side. I am living it all. 

I desperately wanted to see her in the morning and here she is in front of me in the evening. 

Thank God, I never knew you love me this much. Please keep on doing that. I like it this way.

Suddenly Becca came to me. "Pete, she is very drunk and tired. She is ready to sleep on the floor. We have to take her outside."

  As we took her outside of the club, Rose started to lean her head on me and started saying some random stuff about future cars or something like that. Becca was worried that Rose might get sick or do something embarrassing, which she would regret after waking up, but I thought that her drunken ramblings were cute yet charming.

Eventually, Rose starts to get sleepy and Becca decides it's time to take her home, "I am taking her to my house. I already asked her mom to let her stay with me today. Thak God! Otherwise, her mom would have had a heart attack if she had seen her this state." She tried to take Rose from my arm.

"How did you come here?"

"By my car." 

"You are drunk yourself. You can't drive."

"Okay, I will take cab then,"

"It will be a headache to come tomorrow morning to take your car, it's better that you two stays here." I suggested. I don't know why I said something so stupid.

"Stay where? In the club? And sleep on the bar counter?" She asked.

 What? Is she for real? Or maybe she is drunk too, that could be the case.

"No smart pants. The owner of the club has a house on the second floor of the building. I stayed there for the past few days. You can sleep in my room." I offered. Her eyes immediately went wide. I looked at her questioningly but soon realized what the hell she was imagining.

"Not like that, class rep. Get your mind out of the gutter. I am saying you can sleep in my room while I sleep OUTSIDE IN THE HALL. You are too much sometimes, Rebecca." She nodded slowly. Then I took them both to the rooms upstairs.

I put Rose on my bed. She immediately cuddled the pillow and was still ranting about something. I chuckled as I was looking at her pouty lips. Soon I looked away and saw Becca was looking at me. The look in her eyes was so different from anything before. I don't know what was that but it made me look away immediately. It seemed like I was invading her personal space. It seemed inappropriate. I looked at Rose again and mistakenly my eyes went down her body. Her dress came dangerously up. It was showing too much. I immediately turned around. I went to the closet and took out a clean shirt and handed it to Becca without looking in their direction.

"Change her in this. She looks uncomfortable." I said. She took the shirt from my hand without saying anything. I wanted to run away from the room. The silence in the room felt so thick that it could suffocate someone. Before going out I remembered that she also needs to change. She must be uncomfortable too. "You change her and I will look for a shirt for you to change too." With that I left.

I went into Tamsen's room to find one of his shirts. I didn't bring many clothes so I had to take one of his. I took a plain black shirt. It was long enough for her.

I knocked on the door and waited for her to open. She opened the door wide enough for me to see Rose sleeping peacefully with my shirt on. I forced myself to look away and towards Becca. I saw the same expressions again. It got me confused.

"Are you alright? Do you want to talk about something?" She frowned and shook her head. I nodded and handed her the shirt. "Here, it's for you. If you need anything else, I am just outside. Call me or go find the kitchen yourself, okay?" With that I went into the hall. There was a couch. I was tiered myself so I got on the couch immediately. 

It was around 2 in the night when I heard their gate open. I fell asleep but I am a light sleeper. I saw it was Rose. She was looking here and there. I thought she might freak out to find herself at an unknown place but she didn't. I saw her enter the open kitchen to my right. She opened the fridge, took out a water bottle and drank. I noticed her every move in case she bumped herself into something. She was half asleep, that's why. I am sure she might not remember getting up at night at all. Anyway, she started to get back inside but stopped and looked at the TV. I was watching TV before falling sleep, that's why it is still on. I didn't notice it before. 

She started walking towards the couch and didn't notice me, she sat on it. I scrunched into it. She was still looking at the TV and lay down with me on the couch. adjusted herself around me. And the couch was not so big that she might not have felt me there but she didn't react to it. She even covered herself with the blanket I was taking.

What is going on? Is she sleep walking? Do people sleep and walk in a different place too? I mean she had her eyes open and she seemed like she was looking around. So, what is it? 

Anyway, this is not good. She and I on this same couch. But what can I do? If I woke her up to send her inside, she would freak out for sure after seeing herself in this position. And it was impossible for me to get up without waking her up. She is tangled with me. So, what now?

Should I let it be?   

I was sleepy myself so in the end I stayed there with her in my arms. She was warm and very small in my arms. I felt like I had a little kid sleeping almost above me.

But I love this feeling.


Hello sweethearts. 

They are on the same couch, Ouch! It's so cute.

Well, let's see what happens in the morning.

I will update soon. 

Till then....

Anxiety AttackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon