"Not that I know of. After what Aunt Diane just did now. I need a beer. I'll come tonight you let Timmy know." I answered. 

"I thought you wanted to see Wayne. You two haven't seen each other for two weeks. Don't you miss him? He missed you." Aunt Diane said.

"He's working. That's why he couldn't come fetch me. It's one of those shit shifts. You work during the day and night." I told her.

"Now that's a pity. Oh well he'll make sure he shows his face." She said. I hope he doesn't.

We got home and I went to bed cos I actually partied a bit last night with Cindy. I made sure to tell Aunt Diane everything (that she needed to know). When I was done I went bed. I work up and saw it was dusk. I got and made myself something to eat, showered, got dressed and ran out of the house. With Aunt Diane yelling my name.

I was now a Timmy's and I was shooting pool with Tyson. Everyone was happy to see me and just wanted to know how my time in the city was. I decided to put on an angry face and people stopped. I took a drag of my cigarette and Tyrell asked for a drag and gave it to him. I took a sip of my beer and saw it was my turn to shoot. 

The place was full tonight and everybody was having a good time. That was until Giselle came in. damn her presence always damped the mood. I decided to ignore her and continued with my game.

It wasn't long before I heard a commotion at the bar. I saw Chantel and Giselle arguing. I decided to go see what's wrong. It had caught everyone's attention it was silent.

"Everything alright here Chantel?" I asked.

"Everything is fine now get lost this aint concern you." Giselle spat. 

I glared at her. I think this night should go out with a bang. I'll be waiting for her ass when she leaves.

"Actually no Licia she's bothering me about Paul. She thinks every guy she has fucked with in the past. She has a say over them. What the fuck? Get over yourself bitch." Chantel yelled.

Giselle put her glass down loudly. "Excuse me what the hell did you just say?"

"I said get over yourself bitch. Get a fuckin life." Chantel said slowly.

Giselle then took her glass and threw her drink on Chantel. Chantel glared at her and I could see her puffing her chest out. The next minute Chantel took a tray that was one the counter and I jumped to grab it but was too late. Chantel hit her so loud that some people made mock pain sounds.

Giselle shrieked and was about to jump over the counter but a guy pulled her away. She was still lunging forward but he held her tightly. Chantel and Giselle were still arguing. The next thing Giselle starts yelling at me. She grabs a glass and throws it at me. But lucky I miss it in time. 

Before I can do anything Tyson and Roy grab me and hold onto me tightly. Its best they do. 

"You better get the fuck out of here and you better start watching your back. You bitch." I said to her. Her eyes widened and I heard gasps. What? That wasn't really threatening.   

"Giselle get the hell out of here. You boy, you make sure she gets into her car and leave. When she's gone Alicia and Chantel you go calm yourselves down. Leshawn take over the bar for a few minutes." Timmy yelled.  

The dude picked her up and started walking with her. She wiggled herself in his arms and looked at me. The next minute I hear a spit noise and realised she spat me in my face. That made mad. That pissed me off. With lots of force I pulled myself away from Tyson and Roy and went for her.

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