Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 


Uonder if there's an inside joke amongst the cops about me being furniture.  

Recently I felt I don't need to see these guys so much anymore. It was all fun and games in the past but it bores me know. I hope it doesn't have to do with a certain cop.  

I've been thinking about it. I really don't know but I can see Wayne really wants there to be something. But he's going away and how long is that training going to take. I guess I should ask him.  

Something else was bugging me. It had a lot to do with sex. I may be confident in many things but I don't have sexual confidence. I read a bit about becoming a sex vixen but some of the things sounded ridiculous.  

It was Wednesday and I was walking to Leshawn's house. I'm selling that lemon I call my car. Actually I'm gonna strip and sell the parts. It will be wrong to sell that sack of shit to someone.  

I was near his house when I saw Leshawn was sitting outside on his porch smoking. I was at his gate and greeted him.  

He took a drag of his cigarette, "well, well. If it isn't our own celebrity and hostage negotiator. Can I please have an autograph mam?" 

I rolled my eyes, "whatever. So I thought that I would come visit you before I left."  

He offered a cigarette and I took it. "You better. I would've been heartbroken. So tell me about Monday. I was so shocked to see ya. I don't know why. I shouldn't be but I was. So are you okay?" 

I lit the cigarette and took a drag and blew the smoke.  

I then spoke, "I was a bit a scared actually. I wasn't prepared for that. It was actually also kinda weird cos they didn't come to rob. They wanted to have their voices heard. People can say what they want but I believe them. I've heard a couple of people say it's quite far-fetched but people have killed for even less. Let's hope proper justice is served." 

He nodded, "well if you believe it then so do I. people are quick to judge and put you in a box mark it according what they think you are. People take advantage of that as well. People like to talk about things they know nothing 'bout."  

He then looked at me and smirked, "I've heard things and I had to ask you. Is it true ya seeing that delicious sex on a stick? That bad ass cop Wayne Anderson." 

I sighed, "I don't know. I haven't put a label on it. I'm also kinda confused cos I don't know if we're going to be a good match. He's cop and I don't like cops. But I do like him. I aint gonna lie 'bout that. I'm also conflicted with a few things as well. For the type of man he is, I don't know if I'm that type of woman he needs. I'm bad. I've got a bad reputation with his colleagues and I do things that make me a criminal." 

Leshawn scratched his head and was pondering about what I said, "you're being very vague regarding the 'I don't know if I'm that type of woman he needs.' Ya talking 'bout sex aren't ya. Ya scared and ya feel that you don't have that sexual confidence. That's why you don't worry for a boyfriend. Am I right?" 

I sighed and nodded. 

"Then get working on it girl. That's why you're so crazy and have no problem fighting, drinking and smoking. You're frustrated and that's the only way you can release it. You've had a taste of the D and subconsciously you want of that D. so your body is doing what it needs to get rid of that frustration." 

I shook my head, "so you're trying to say. If I'm gonna have sex. I'm gonna be all angelic and calm. Isn't one supposed to be pure to be considered angelic?" 

Cop loving me? Code 10-0 (BWWM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon