We completely devoured our breakfast.

When we both finished eating Michael stacked our plates and kissed me on my forehead before walking to take the plates to the hallway where they would be collected. I was so full and satisfied with my meal. I sighed and placed the covers back over me and the cramps began again. Ugh. I got on my phone for the first time today and immediately I see a bunch of negative comments about me from people I don't even know which is basically life after you get a huge base on social media. Usually I laugh it off but I was feeling extremely sensitive and just started crying. I hate being on my cycle it makes me act so crybaby ish and the cramps were not helping.

"hey what's the matter" Michael said while sitting himself next to me to hug me. I showed him my phone screen with the comments. "That's so negative We don't need to pay any kind of attention to those type of things that aren't true about you". He grabbed my phone out of my hands and locked the screen and proceeded to place it on the nightstand. "how about we just leave our phones alone for the rest of the day. No more social media no stress and just spend time with each other". I thought it was a great idea so I agreed. He wiped my tears and kissed me.

he told me about the plans he wanted to do tonight but I didn't feel like going out tonight and he understood that and didn't mind at all. I suggested we should just do our own thing tonight and what we were gonna do on our date in the city, which was eat and watch a movie at a dine in theater, we should just do it in our room and he said that was a perfect idea.

Myke's POV
I tried my best to make Josie feel better from reading those comments. It was unexpected how she started crying. We had to change our plans for tonight which I didn't mind because I just honestly wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible. and if she was comfortable, so was I.

She grabbed her belly from how much pain she was in. "I'm going to get you stuff that will help you feel better at the pharmacy". I put on clothes quickly. "Do you know what to get". I honestly did not know but I said yes because how hard could finding products that will help her be. She smiled at me. I'd do anything to see that smile. "I'm gonna go now so I can be back very quick". I asked her if she was okay with me going and her staying alone for a few minutes and she didn't mind. I kissed her and went.

Josie's POV
Wow he is so sweet. It's just like everyday he is winning my heart. the door opened and I heard three familiar voices. My friends are here.

"Wow where have you guys been". "Oh I don't know just giving you space to enjoy time with your man". Said Emiliana. They all had this look on their faces with a smirk plastered across it. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it. They sat down on the bed. "Don't worry our clothes are clean we just showered bc we were out all day-" emi Was cut off "spill the teaaaaaa bc we know some shit went down last night" said Taylor. Of course she goes straight into it.

These were my best friends of course I trusted them and not only that we were grown woman who were way past our immature days so I didn't have a problem "spilling the tea" as Taylor would say. But of course I have my limits. "Because with that 'do not disturb' sign on the door we know something juicy happened". I laughed as they continued to talk over each other. I realized that last night we didn't put any do not disturb sign on our door so Michael must of put it there after breakfast because he knows I'm not feeling my best and didn't want anyone to disturb me. I almost cried because that's so cute and so sweet to me and it shows he cares about me so much but got snapped out of my thoughts.

"We just wanna know everything" said nessa. I explained to them our very cute spa date and how he planned everything and they were all so happy for me. "Nah nah we just wanna know if it was good and I'm not talking about the date" we all laughed. "good is an understatement.... It was great... matter fact it was amazing" they all squealed. that was all I said bc I'm not so much of the friend to sit there and talk about her sex life but my friends definitely are. I was reminiscing last night already.

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