[23] French Fries, Hate Crimes and Snarky Guys

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"Señorita, toma mi sombrero." Wade hopped out of the trunk, brandishing the large hat.

His accent was terribly good, and it took Skipper by surprise. She stood there, an eyebrow raised, completely motionless.

"Por favor," he insisted, shoving his sombrero at her. She fumbled to take the thing, blinking as though she had no idea what to do with it.

"Put it on, idiot," he sighed, slapping a hand to his face. "Unless of course you want sunburn again." As he said this, he nodded at her outfit. She was wearing a white tie-strap sundress and her crocs, much of her sensitive skin exposed and ready for the sun to inflict its wrath.

Tentative, she lifted the hat and put it on. Wade flicked her nose before moving to close the trunk, leaving her standing there in confusion. He went around the vehicle and gave Charles a quick pat and a kiss on the snout before hauling Skipper's backpack out of the front seat and chucking it at her. She caught it in a jerking motion that caused the sombrero to flip off her head. Wade made a face and picked up the hat.

"I'm not wearing that," she insisted when he tried to put it on her head again. "It's too big."

"Fine, be that way." Sticking his tongue out, he returned it to the trunk and chucked her bucket hat at her. "That stupid little thing won't protect your shoulders." He then eyed her up and down, scrutinizing her outfit. "White and yellow doesn't suit your purple hair. You look like a fake Vikings fan."

"Yeah, well you dress like a dad." She plunked the floppy bucket hat on and glared at him. He looked down at his sandals, cargo shorts, graphic tee and plaid button down, and shrugged.

"Whatever chokes your goat. Let's go, Señorita." And locking the vehicle, he took off running.

"Wait for me!" Skipper shouted, attempting to simultaneously chase him and wrestle the backpack on, at the same time worrying about the length of her dress as she ran.

She finally caught up to him at the entrance, out of breath and a trifle annoyed, while he merely bore a smug expression. They passed the bag check and entered the park. Wade was grinning, and as various rides came into view, some of them towering against the beautiful blue sky, a thrill shot through Skipper's body. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been to an amusement park. This would be fun!

"Where should we start?" Wade asked, his eyes drawn to a massive coaster. Skipper pulled sunglasses from a pouch in her backpack and put them on.

"Maybe we should start small and work our way up to the bigger ones? The lines are so long for some of the big ones..."

"You're lame," scoffed Wade, grabbing her by the backpack and tugging her over to the extensive queue for a particularly massive roller coaster.

"But I hate roller coasters!" she protested.

"Oh, even better." He grinned wickedly.

People were lining up behind them, resigning to the long wait and making worthy obstacles should Skipper choose to chicken out. She could see that getting out of line would almost be more trouble than it was worth, and she swallowed hard. The screams of riders rang in her ears. Her fingertips felt numb as she stared up, way up at the first drop of the coaster. She couldn't fathom how tall that thing was. She glanced at Wade, who was contentedly observing people and occasionally wiping his hands on his shorts as though they were clammy.

Was he nervous too?

When it was finally their turn, Skipper had to leave her things in a cubby sort of thing before boarding the coaster. Wade was evil and decided to sit in the very front, so they'd be the first to go. He claimed it meant their ride would be over sooner and she wouldn't have to worry about being last, but she knew he really intended to give her as much of a fright as possible.

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