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Since the party, things had been better for Charlie. She was friends with Fred and George, granted they weren't as close as they used to be. She'd even made up with Theo.

Today wasn't a great day for her though, she'd barely slept. Her memories had kept her up all night. The first DA meeting Charlie had attended was last night. She thought she did pretty well.

But N.E.W.Ts were coming up and Charlie needed to study. With barely any sleep, trauma swirling in her brains and her friend group having no clue what happened this summer, it was hard.

Charlie didn't feel as though she could just walk up to Fred and George and talk to them about it anymore. And it wasn't as if she could just tell her new friends casually. It didn't seem like there was any reason to tell them, either. Why did they need to know?

Somehow, even with more friends than she had previously had, she felt alone.

The only thing she could really turn to was her studies.

She sat at the library, holding her hair with stress as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her leg was bouncing up and down as she tried to calm herself. Fred had just entered the library, he watched Charlie for a second, debating if he should go up to her.

He couldn't ignore it and he didn't just want to watch it, he did. "Hey, are you okay?" He spoke in a soft voice. Looking at Charlie. Her lips turned downwards as she finally let a sob out, shaking her head no.

Fred helped her stand up. "C'mon."

He led Charlie to the room of requirements. It had transformed into a small bedroom, bookshelves surrounding the walls and a record player with many different selections. Charlie and Fred sat on the bed, Fred held Charlie in his arms, hugging her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked Charlie when she had calmed down.

The Ravenclaw shrugged. "I don't feel like I can..." She stared at the palms of her hands.

"Why's that?" Fred's voice was calm, sweet and understanding.

"Well, it's just- I feel like i'm not exactly close with you, George or Theo anymore and my other friends... I haven't exactly told them. I don't plan on it, either. But it left me in a difficult situation. I'm better in some ways but, I still remember it all sometimes, I still have nightmares and some nights, I still can't sleep. On top of that, I have the N.E.W.ts to worry about and I just, I feel stuck." Charlie ranted in a small voice, continuing to look at her palms.

Fred hugged Charlie once more. "You'll always have me, Lottie. Always."

Charlie giggled at the old nickname, a blush covering her face. "Always?"

"And forever." Fred spoke in a sing-song voice. Holding Charlie as if she'd run if he let go.

The two spent some time in the room of requirements. Charlie continued her studying there while Fred looked around the room. "So, Any clue what you want to do when you get out of here?" Fred asked Charlie, opening a drawer.

Charlie shrugged. "I haven't a clue, It wasn't something I was ever really allowed to think of. I had always just accepted my fate of being a housewife married to a bitchass pureblood man." She laughed at the idea. "But I do really enjoy potions."

She looked up at Fred. "You and George are still doing Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, right?" A hopeful look was on her face.

Fred nodded, a gleam in his eyes.

"Good." Charlie looked back down at her notes. "You two will make it. I'm sure of it."

That meant more to Fred than Charlie ever could've known.

BREAK// Fred Weasley x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن