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I had thought maybe mother would go easy on me, since I was the only one whom returned. I was very very wrong. I may not have ended up in the cellar again but, this is far worse. I have spent the past week in suffrage. I deserve it but I do not enjoy it. I think my loyalty may be fatal.

Things have not gotten easier. I spend my days wishing I could rip the skin off my body and drain the blood from my neck. The other death eaters are terrible. My mother allows them to use me in ways I have never been used. My starved body is my own no longer. I will not survive this.

I don't believe I will last much longer. I have no loyalty to my mother any more. My bones protrude further than they ever have, my body is in pain from the curses and spells and men. Who is my mother? Why would a mother do this to her child?

I am praying on the day I pass away. I wish my lungs would betray my body and collapse.

I have never regretted anything more than I regret each breath I take in this moment. Everything has been taken from me. I have nothing. Not even my own room. I must sleep in the cellar though, I am not chained. I am still allowed access to the living area.

I have no idea how my body is managing to hold on. My brain let go long ago.

Sophia Tonks-Black is dead. I have lost my best friend. The last time I saw her, she assumed I was becoming a death eater. I bet Fred and I would both trade her face in the paper for mine. That is what he wanted, to see my face in the obituary.

I can hold on no longer. I know how to apparate, I was allowed my licence in case we get invaded. I must find my wand and leave. If I cannot find my wand, I will find a knife and this will be my last entry.


Charlie heaved as she fell to the ground of Diagon Alley. It was sometime around four am and Charlie hadn't a clue where to go. She didn't even know if she'd be able to move. Blood poured from her mouth as she laid with her stomach touching the concrete.

Everything went black.

Charlie woke up in a strange room, in a place she faintly recognized. Bolting up, she groaned in pain. Next to her, sat a glass of water. Charlie's eyes widened in desperation. She took the glass, holding it with both hands as she downed it. Then, someone came into her room.

That someone was Andromeda Tonks.

Charlie's eyes widened even more.

"Charlotte. Ted found you last night, on his way home from the ministry. What happened to you?" Andromeda's voice was tired, full of pain.

Charlie's eyes filled with tears. "Mrs. Tonks... How are you? I am so unbelievably sorry. I know how much Sophia had meant to you."

Andromeda shook her head, pain flashing in her eyes. "What happened to you, Charlotte."

The girl swallowed the lump in her throat. "My mother-I had to get out of there." She stuttered.

Andromeda nodded her head. "I understand, dear. I know a place you can get shelter, you know it too. You'd have to take veritaserum, just in case."

Charlie looked at Andromeda, "I-i don't know... They all hate me. They think I've become a- a- a- death eater."

Andromeda gave Charlie a sad look. "This is more important than that. This is your life, Charlotte-"

"Charlie, please call me Charlie."

"Okay, dear. Well, we're going later today. In about an hour. Would you like to come? Molly Weasley is much better at diagnostic spells than I am... at least for that?"

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