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Things had become increasingly hard for Charlie. Apparently everything she'd been through took a bit more than two weeks to recover from. Her nightmares had become far more frequent. She woke up screaming many times, attracting the attention of everybody. Theodore had been trying to speak with her more frequently. She didn't feel like listening.

Tonight, she had woken up silently from a nightmare. Creeping downstairs, she made her way to the kitchen. Only then did she allow herself to sob silently as she poured herself a glass of water. She stood, both her hands rested on the counter as she sobbed.

"Are you okay?" A voice spoke. Charlie's head bolted up. It was Fred.

The girl laughed sarcastically. "Just fine, Fred."

"Well I couldn't just sit here awkwardly while you cried."


It was silent for a long time, Charlie sipped her water, staring out at the starlit sky as Fred watched her.

"Do you remember the last thing you said to me? Before I left?" Charlie asked Fred in a bitter voice, feeling his stare. "You said the next time you saw my face, you hoped it'd be in an obituary?"

Fred swallowed hard, he assumed the question was rhetorical.

"I just want you to know, we both have the same wishes, now at least. I would have traded my face for Sophias any day. Hopefully someday soon, your wish will be granted and I'll be put out of my misery."

Before Fred could answer, Charlie had walked up the stairs and into her room. She wanted to cry in peace.

Charlie didn't really like to talk anymore. She missed Sophia dearly. Everyone was a wreck since she was murdered. Charlie had none of the details of her death, only that she was murdered late one night in Diagon Alley.

She didn't even know the exact date.

Charlie didn't go back to sleep after the encounter with Fred. She spent the rest of her night staring at the wall across her bed as she smoked a pack of cigarettes.

It was hard for Charlie to imagine living every day when she so desperately wanted to never wake up. She didn't feel like herself and she probably never would. It was hard for Charlie to accept she'd never be Charlie again.

It felt like nothing could be fixed. Charlie was living in a house with people who hated her. The ones who didn't just felt bad for her.

Charlie spent most of her days cleaning the manor or laying in her bed. Today, she was laying in bed.

When the clock hit 9am, Charlie knew she'd have to go down for breakfast. She refused to. It wasn't until George opened her door that she began to regret it.

"Charlie, mum says you gotta come get breakfast."



"Tell her I'm not hungry. I won't be coming down for lunch either."

"Yes you will."


"You have to, the doctors said so."




The blanket that was covering Charlie was pulled off of her, leaving her with nothing but the thin pyjama pants and a tank top covering her. Charlie rolled her eyes, sitting up. She hugged her arms as she glared at George. George scanned the girl for a moment before speaking again. "You look like shit."

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