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Fred and Charlie hadn't spoken since the day the yule ball was announced but time flew. It was time for Charlie to grow her hair out with a spell and pack her bags. Today everyone is going home for Christmas break.

For families like The Weasleys or The Tonks, this is an exciting day.

For families like The Notts or The Rosiers, this is a tense day.

An extremely pale Charlie and a shaking Theodore sat in a compartment with Sophia and the Weasley twins.

Without thinking, George noticed Charlie and Theodores expressions and decided to speak. "What's the long faces for?" He smiled at the two, hoping to lighten the mood. Sophia hit him on the arm and gave him an incredulous look as Charlie smirked at his oblivion before her face contorted back into a nervous look.

"I think I dug my grave a bit too deep this time... I'm scared." Charlie scratched her arm nervously, looking at Sophia.

Sophia gave her friend a sympathetic look, "I'll be at my dad's all break if you need somewhere to go, don't hesitate." She held Charlie's hand and grabbed Theodores as well. "You too, Theo. Don't hesitate. Please." Theodore nodded silently.

Once everyone settled in a bit more, Theodore became curious. "So, Charlie. What'dyou think Mrs. Rosiers gonna pull this time?"

Charlie thought for a moment, "Well, I have the Yule ball so nothing with visible marks. That gets rid of any cutting or slicing spells... I'm thinking about a few rounds of crucio and the cellar. Unfortunately that means I won't be able to run away for help. The chains in the cellar are bloody heavy." The girl laughed, Theo as well. Fred, George and Sophia were looking at the two with bewildered looks on their faces.

"The cellar?" George asked, a mix of fear and shock on his face.

"Oh yeah, it's this little jailroom in the basement. Sometimes Mrs Rosier likes to hook me up to the chains and leave me there. Never for too long though. I think the record was three weeks. The house elf had to spoon feed me." Charlie spoke. Sometimes she could find her life quite amusing.

All Fred wanted to do was give Charlie a hug, he couldn't though. Fred hoped Charlie would find a way to get to Sirius's house, Charlie didn't know the Weasleys would be staying so hopefully, she would.

Charlie was indeed correct, the moment she walked through the door she was tortured until she was unconcious. She woke up with chains around her ankles and wrists.

The cellar was dark, the whole room made of stone brick. The room was dirty and damp. The days Charlie spent there were always much worse than anything else.

Time went by agonisingly slowly. Charlies mother would come in at random times to torture her, never allowing a proper schedule to be formed in Charlies brain. The whole time Charlie was in the cellar, she didn't get food. The elf would bring her a small glass of water every so often.

One night, Charlie was laying wide awake in the cellar, trying not to go insane when she heard creaking. Bracing herself for another round of torture, she didn't bother to check who entered. "Charlotte..." Her brother spoke in agony. "I'm so... sorry."

Evan hated seeing Charlie in this condition. She looked terrible. Charlie was stick thin, bruised and battered and her skin was dull. The largest eye bags anyone had seen were on Charlie's face. Charlie's face held an agonisingly desperate face.

"I'm here to let you out, you can't tell anyone. I can't apparate you but, you can floo." Evan whispered, slowly unlocking Charlie's chains. "We go back in a day, for the Yule ball which is on the 25th. It's the 21st right now. You need to run. Go to Sophia." He spoke in a low voice. "I'll bring your trunk to the station with me tomorrow."

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