[18]"y/n, please climb down from that bookcase"

Start from the beginning

"Thanks guys! Even the captain of the team said he looked forward to playing together"

You were very excited and listened to his stories for the rest of the day.

Word got around over the next two days that the basketball team had a new star player and, naturally, everyone wanted to speak to cooper. This lead you all to hide in a classroom during lunch.

"Don't get me wrong", started cooper, "i am very excited that people want to see me play, but do they have to follow me around everywhere!" He huffed dropping his head into his hands.

You laughed, "they're just excited there's a new team member. It's Friday now, hopefully by Monday they wont bother you as much".

"I hope so" he grumbled.

That afternoon was a study period where students can pretty much go wherever they want, as long as it's still in the school grounds, and do whatever they want. Though clearly it's meant to give time to those who need to catch up with their classes.

Since deciding to help the twins you've all been using these study times to actually study. And as long as it's at school, Sarah sits with you all and quietly does her own work. She still has the slight bruising under eye but insists she's fine when anyone asks.

You were in the middle of reading a very interesting article about tissue regeneration when you were rudely interrupted.

"Cooper! Hi how are you? I've heard you just got into the basketball team and your like really good". Gianna smiles down at him tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Everyone simultaneously gives her a dirty look before glancing around the table, no ones sure what to say.

"Um.. thanks" Cooper finally replies sounding very confused.

"No problem. Anyway we were just wondering if you like wanted to come and sit with us? You know, now that your in the team, you don't have to sit with these freaks". She gestured around the table giving a stupid fake smile.

"No thanks Gianna. I prefer my friend's to be kind and have at least half a brain. I don't think your entire table could scrape one up between you". He gave her a fake smile back.

She gawped at him while everyone else tried to hide their sniggers. "Excuse me?" She finally asked.

"Yes?" He asked faking innocence.

"You we're just mean about us and called my table stupid? Are you going to apologise?".

"No. Not unless you apologise to my friend's after calling them freaks, which by the way, you called me literally two days ago. So why don't you go back to your table with your fake nails and fake hair and leave us alone".

"And fake eyebrows", you murmured.

That made everyone laugh even more than they already were, even Cooper was suppressing a smile. Gianna looked around her and saw a few kids with their heads behind books hiding their laughter. She looked as though steam could start pouring out of her ears at any moment.

"You think that's funny?" She stood seething. "How about i knock that smile off your face huh?"

"I'd like to see you try you bimbo!" You said jumping up from your seat and running away laughing.

You ran around all the tables laughing and taunting her while she ran after you shoving people and throwing books. At one point she threw a book titled 'math for beginners'. You couldn't help yourself and the words came out before you could stop them. "Woah that's a bit advanced for you isn't it?".

Your whole table was doubled over laughing and even Sarah was laughing hard.

After something flew past you narrowly missing your head you decided to quickly climb one of the small bookcases. It was no more than a metre and a half tall but it appears the other girl couldn't climb it. By now nearly everyone in the room had their attention towards you both, either laughing or covering their faces in embarrassment at their friend.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now