19- Pi

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I feel dizzy.

"Are you not going to thank me?" Katja spits, still holding onto my arm.
I don't know what just happened.
But I'm all wet. Gross.
"What?" I ask, mounting Peanut.

Katja scoffs. "I just saved your life. Be grateful."
Okay, that doesn't clear it up at all.
"Um... thank you?" I kick Peanut and we start to walk back up the bridge. I guess I fell into the water, but then how can Peanut be dry?
I don't get it.

Once we've made it to Pi's house, Sabine mumbles something.
Jay rolls her eyes. "So you lived. Good for you, but now we're behind schedule."
Chiyo, jumping around with Nihili, waves to me. "Everyone wanted you dead!" She says, eerily happy.

"Oh." I say. I don't know how to actually respond to that..

Chiyo knocks on Pi's door.

When the druid comes out, she recoils in shock to see all of us. "You are not welcome here!" Pi shouts.

Sabine shakes her head, smirking. "Little late for that. Would you mind joining us once again?" She asks, knowing the dark has already surrounded Pi.

"What? I couldn't!" And yet she has, though she doesn't know it yet.

It's weird how it's so different. For Justin, I know they had to have done something to him. For me, well.. She promised me Naomi...

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