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Jisoo woke up early in the morning by having his stomach hurt, "Appa!" He called for, which alerted both his parents. Jeonghan came into his room and checked his temperature. "Does your tummy is still hurt?" Jeonghan asked making Jisoo nod, "I'll have daddy make something nice for your tummy ache okay?" Jisoo giggled lightly before nodding.

"Can Appa stay?" Jeonghan nodded before gently moving his son and laying beside him. Jeonghan got his phone out and texted his mate about making some food for Jisoo. The omega looked at his son and played with his hair, "Appa will I ever meet someone like daddy?" Jeonghan lightly giggled.

"Maybe, but who knows." Jeonghan responded smiling. "But knowing your father is..." Jisoo giggled before snuggling into his father's chest. As Jisoo started falling asleep, Hansol came into the room. "Shua okay?" Hansol asked tilting his head, "Shua is fine Sollie." Jeonghan responded whispering.

Hansol nodded and quickly left the room, so that he doesn't disturb his older brother. Seungcheol then came into the room and set the tray of food down the counter. "Make sure you make something for Hansol." Jeonghan said making Seungcheol chuckle. "I already did." Jeonghan nodded before sitting up a little but still holding Jisoo.

Seungcheol pecked Jisoo's head before giving a kiss to Jeonghan and leaving the room.

A few hours had passed by, and Jisoo's fever had gone down, "Wonwoo is coming over with Seokmin and Jihoon." Seungcheol told Jeonghan before picking up Hansol who giggled. "Okay." Jeonghan said and left to go get something. A couple minutes went by, and the doorbell rang, "Coming." Seungcheol called down after placing Hansol down.

When he opened the door, he saw Seokmin and Jihoon standing there while Wonwoo was behind them. "Hi!" Seokmin excitingly said making both adults chuckle. Seungcheol let them in, and helped Wonwoo with the bags in his arms as he was pregnant with his and Mingyu's third child.

"Thanks." Wonwoo said before taking off his shoes. "Seokmin help your brother." Seokmin nodded and helped Jihoon take off his shoes. Jeonghan came out from the kitchen and greeted the family, "Sorry I was just making something for Jisoo." Wonwoo nodded and smiled, "Seokmin made Jisoo a get well soon card."

The small alpha boy giggled before looking at Jeonghan. "You can go hand it to him, he's in the playroom." Seokmin nodded before taking his brother with him. "So what are you doing for Jisoo's birthday?" Wonwoo asked sitting down on the couch. Jeonghan followed behind and sat across from him while Seungcheol went into his office.

"Jisoo spending time with family, and meeting Seungcheol's mother." Wonwoo sighed before placing his hands on his small bump. He's seven months pregnant, but the bump isn't the average size.

Wonwoo then sat up a little, "I was going to ask if Seokmin and Jihoon can stay for the night." Jeonghan raised a brow, "I'm going to the hospital to check the baby's health, but also because I'm going to meet Mingyu's parents for something." Jeonghan nodded.

"They can stay."  Wonwoo smiled before nodding. "Appa." Jisoo ran to Jeonghan giggling, "Did you need something?" Jeonghan asked picking him up. The small omega shook his head before wrapping his arms around his fathers neck. "Hug." Jeonghan smiled and gave Jisoo a kiss on his head.

Seokmin then came running in and giggled when Jihoon was behind him. "Be careful." Wonwoo called out. He didn't hear him well, so Seokmin ended up tripping on his own feet. Wonwoo sighed before getting up and checking his oldest son who was just giggling on the floor. "Minnie you have to be careful." Wonwoo said helping him up from the floor.

The small alpha smiled brightly before running to the couch. Jeonghan laughed a little before feeling Jisoo's forehead making sure that his fever is over. After a couple minutes, Wonwoo had to leave but it was a little hard as Jihoon didn't want him to go. "I'll be back tomorrow Jihoon." Wonwoo told him as he picked him up a little.

"No." Jihoon whined holding onto Wonwoo. "Hoonie, I have to go." He tried to reason, but Jihoon started crying.  Seokmin noticed his brother crying and immediately went to his Appa to help. "Hoonie, look! Shua have stuffies!" Jihoon looked and saw Jisoo holding out a rice plushy.

The youngest omega was set down on the floor, and immediately went to Jisoo who gave him the plushy. "I'll be back tomorrow okay Hoonie?" Jihoon looked at his Appa and nodded. Both boys then went to Wonwoo and hugged before he had left. Once he was gone, Jihoon looked at Jeonghan and asked to be carried.

Jeonghan picked up the youngest omega and wiped the tears that were still there, "How about we make a cake for fun?" He asked the boys making them nod. Hansol ran to Jisoo and tackled him as a playful game. "Boys be careful." Jeonghan told them making the boys giggle and nod.

"Ow! Sollie bit me!" Jisoo whined making Jeonghan shake his and place Jihoon the floor real quick. He then walked over to his sons and crouched down to their level. The small alpha smiled before running to Seungcheol's office. "Jesus." Jeonghan mumbled before looking at his oldest son. "Where did he bite you?" Jisoo showed his arm.

A small bite mark was left on his arm, "Let's just wash your arm okay?" Jisoo nodded walked with his Appa to the restroom to wash up his arm. Seungcheol came out his office holding a giggling Hansol in his arms. "Hannie." He called out setting Hansol down on the floor. "What?" Jeonghan asked coming out the restroom with Jisoo.

"Do you want to make dinner or order something for tonight?" Jeonghan looked at the boys before sighing a little, "Let's just order since Wonwoo told me that Jihoon is a picky eater if the food isn't made by Mingyu."  Seungcheol nodded before looking at Hansol who was tackling Jisoo again, "Hansol." Jeonghan said his name with a warning tone.

He looked up before pinching his older brother who pushed him off. Jisoo then went to Seungcheol and hugged his leg, "Daddy he's hurting me!" Seungcheol sighed and picked up Jisoo. Jeonghan then picked up Hansol and took him to his room, "Just play for a little bit okay? We'll make a cake later." The boys nodded and giggled as they ran to the living room.

"Did you give Jihoon your plushy?" Seungcheol asked his son. Jisoo nodded and laid his head on his fathers shoulder, "M' tired." Seungcheol felt his forehead before feeling his temperature rise. "Appa made you some porridge, do you want to eat before taking a nap?" Jisoo shook his head and started breathing heavily.

Seungcheol took noticed and saw his oldest sweating a lot, "Jeonghan!" He called out making his mate come out Hansol's room. The omega noticed his son and immediately checked his forehead. "His temperature got worse." Jeonghan mumbled, and looked at his husband.

"Take him to the doctors." Seungcheol nodded and grabbed his keys before leaving. Jeonghan sighed before looking at Seokmin who was watching the tv. While Jihoon munched on the plushy, "Jihoon don't put that in your mouth." Jihoon smiled before laying down on the couch.

Seokmin on the other hand looked at Jeonghan, "Uncle." Jeonghan hummed. "May I please draw?" Jeonghan smiled and nodded.  Seokmin ran to his backpack and got out colors and paper. "Just be careful on the table okay?" Seokmin nodded and started drawing.

Cheollie <3

Cheollie <3
Shua has to stay in the hospital

What happened?

Cheollie <3
Jisoo got ill and i have to wait until tomorrow for him to be discharged and grab the medicine he needs

Did the doctors say anything

Cheollie <3
He's fragile baby
He'll be fine but as he grows older there may be problems a little


Cheollie <3
We'll be back tomorrow

Jeonghan sighed, and set his phone down. "This will be a long day." He mumbled before going to the kitchen and setting up the stuff up to make a cake.

The day ended on a slight good note, but Jeonghan couldn't sleep as he was worried for his oldest son.


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