[Irresponsibly Stupidly Loosing You] Niragi Suguru

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Warnings: swearing, angst, watching the one person you love leave you and act like you never existed, suicidal thoughts, self harm behaviors, arguments

If he hadn't been so dumb. If he had just listened to you, maybe you'd still be with him.

"Listen I'm sorry (Y/N)-"
"No Suguru! I'm done fucking listening when you never listen to me! It's your fault! You should've had safety on we're at the beach, nothing was going to happen! Because of your stupidity, I got hurt! I have to play in games! I could die  because of my leg slowing me down, and it is your fault!"

He still thought over your words. You hadn't said anything that wasn't truthful, and he knew it.

He watched as you laughed with other people. Seeing your eyes turn cold as they caught a glimpse of him. The message was clear. Stay away. And it hurt. Because you had never looked at him like that.

He was stupid. He was so smart, yet so fucking stupid. His tragic flaw. The one thing holding him back.

The worst part of everything was who you decided to hang around. Last Boss, who he didn't have a problem with, but then it meant you would be around him sometimes. And it wasn't the awkwardness that killed him, it was the fact you wouldn't even look at him. In his head he was screaming for you, begging for forgiveness. It wasn't the first time he'd messed up, but that was the problem. The fact that all the little things he had done added up. The straw that broke the camel's back was the incident.  That was what he had started calling it. In his mind thats all it had been. The incident.

The other people you'd hang around were Chishiya and Kuina. That hurt him the most. People you knew would get under his skin. People you knew he hated. But that was exactly why you had done it. Because you were the person who was sick of all his bullshit. You were just another person he had scared away. Another beautiful thing he had gotten to hold and cherish, burnt to nothing but cinder and ash in his palm. He destroyed everything he touched.

You were hurt. Physically and mentally. Being away from him made you realize everything you had missed out on. People he said no to, who were actually fun.

But another part of you...

The twisted part. The hurt part. The part that held on to the smallest bits of happiness you could find in your situation.

That part of you wanted to run to him. Have him hold you. Tell you about how sorry he was and that he'd make it up to you.

Just like he did every other time he'd fucked up.

And that was the problem. He continued to mess up, even after you'd brought it to his attention. Multiple times. Getting away from the toxicity was better for your mental health. Your sanity.

In a game together he had seen you almost die. He tried to help, but he saw the look you gave him, and the words full of venom that were spat at him,

"Don't fucking touch me,"

Made him step away.

You would have rather died than have him help you in a game. The only reason you were in that position was because of him in the first place.

He was drunk. That was something anyone around could tell. Especially you. But as much as that part of your mind pulled to try and get you up. To go and help him. To bring him up to your room and make sure he didn't get hurt, or make a fool out of himself. But you put your foot down. You were not going to be the next sob story. If he hadn't had safety on his gun sober, you didn't want to image what he'd do with it drunk.

So were you scared if him? No... you weren't scared of him. You just thought he was absolutely stupid. He hadn't even attempted to...

Wait, he hadn't attempted to approach you. Which was weird. You knew Niragi approached all of his problems head on, even if it meant getting in trouble. You were now a bit sad at the fact he hadn't even tried to fix things. But you knew it was your head, playing with you, and telling you that you should feel sorry about what you did. But you weren't. If he wanted to be stupid and irresponsible playing with your life, he would lose you. You had told him that before. But it seemed he didn't listen.

He stayed away. Like you asked. You were already very upset with him. He didn't want to make it worse. And the worst part was he knew you weren't coming back. You'd told him before. You had repeatedly told him, but he didn't listen. And half assed apology after half assed apology didn't make a difference. He knew that you knew his apologies were false promises. All that built up to this key moment where it all fell down.

.... so uh. I'm still alive. But pretty eh idk. ALSO GOING BACK HOME (PUERTO RICO) FOR A MONTH AHHHH

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