You Two As Conversations I've Had With My Best friends PT.2

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You: smart people are so dumb sometimes. Watch this. Chishiya~?

Him: yeah? You need something?

You: I just want to say that I adore you, and everything you do for me. You make me feel like a person and not a bitchy girl. I'm glad I have you to be with and talk to. I love you.

Him: In a friend way, right?

You: WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR 2 YEARS! IN AN I LOVE YOU WAY DUMBASS- (I changed it a bit lol. It originally said "we've been friends for 2 years, in a best friend way dumbass!"


You: so I was playing bedy and the ink machine-

Him: hold up, say that again?

You: bedy and the ink- oh fuck, I meant Bendy. BENDY and the Ink Machine. I'm sorry I'm tireddddd-

Him: *dying of laughter*


  Him: So then my sister, being the little gremlin she is, threw up on my dinosaur.

You: you have a dinosaur? Iwannasee!

Him: *holds up a stuffed dinosaur*


Him: ... besides me right?

You: of course bubs


You: So then my mom takes a shot, and throws up

Him: ew, a low alcohol tolerance

You: ... Dude, it was her 7th shot of the night. And it was straight up tequila. 

Him: o h m y g o d

Him: a true queen.
(Another three am conversation because all of our sleep schedules are fucked up)

Last Boss

You: Shiny= pretty, sword= shiny, meaning sword = pretty

Him: no, sword=danger. Sword=scary. (Don't ask, it was three in the morning)


Him: I hate how as soon as people apologize they're like "Sorry, I have trauma." Like bitch, your trauma doesn't excuse you bitch slapping me out of no where-

You: don't you have trauma?

Him: dOnT yOu HaVe TrAuMa- shut the fuck up this isn't about me!

(This is also on my Tumblr :) )

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