Wild Things [Highschool! Niragi Suguru]

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Hispanic reader bc why not?

Warnings: swearing, bullying, self depreciating thoughts/words, sexualization and fetishization of ethnic women bc men are horrible

The whispers all around the room made their way to the back of the classroom where the lonely boy sat.

"Did you hear about the new student?"

"I heard she's from (insert hispanic/latin) country of choice)."

"Think she'll be hot?"

A new student? Great, somebody else to add to his never ending torture. They'd win you over, and you'd soon start the name calling and other things. He sighed, and placed his head down on his desk.

The door opened, and he looked up slightly. The teacher walked in, a girl walking in with them.

She was tall, with (h/l) (h/c), and (e/c) eyes that seemed to radiate warmth. She was gorgeous. "Goodmorning class, today we have a new student. She will introduce herself, and I expect you all to be kind to her. Go ahead," the teacher greeted, nodding over to you as they sat down. "Goodmorning, my name is (L/N) (Y/N), I hope we can all get along," you said in perfect Japanese. That made him stare in shock. 'People are mixed dumbass. She could be half Japanese half hispanic.' He thought to himself.

"Alright, go find a place to sit (L/N)," the teacher instructed. You smiled, and bowed toward them, leaving the front of the room. There were three other empty seat other than the one besides him. You would most likely sit up by Kenji or maybe by Aiko?

But to his surprise you kept on going back to him.

You got to his desk and playes with a strand of your (h/t) hair. "May I sit by you?" You asked politely. He couldn't speak, so he just nodded. You sat next to him scooting your chair in.

During lunch, you saw him quickly leave the classroom. You went after him. "Hey! Um... I didn't catch your name?" You said bashfully. He stared in shock, holding his books tightly. He quickly fixed his glasses and stood straighter. You wanted to know his name. You wanted to know his name.

"N-Niragi Suguru. Its a pleasure to meet you (L/N)," he introduced, bowing towards you. "Oh... please just call me (Y/N). No need for formality," you giggled, placing a hand on his shoulder. He nodded, quickly walking away.

"See you've already met that weirdo," said a voice from behind you. You turned around and saw one of the boys from class. "He's not weird. Rather cute, actually," you said, defending the boy. "Cute? That weak bitch? Sure, anyways, want to come with us? Everyone is dying to talk to you," he asked. You shook your head. "No thanks. I don't like to associate with shallow people," you said, walking to find the shy boy.

You found him under a tree, writing. "Hey there!" You greeted. He jumped up, snapping his notebook shut. "Relax, Just me," you smiled, putting your hands up in mock surrender. He looked everywhere but you, sliding his glasses up. "Shouldnt you be inside with everyone else? I'm sure they are dying to talk to you..." he asked, sitting down once more. "I mean I could be, but who cares about them? I wanted to talk to you," you said, sitting besides him.

"You're odd. Being around me isn't good for your social status," he explained. "Say your social graces bow your head," you mocked, with a laugh. You heard him chuckle, and smiled. "They're pious here, but you and I we're pioneers. Make our own rules," you said, grabbing his hand, leading him back inside.

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