Part 4: Mommy

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Anna leaned back as she felt pressure in her breast. She grabbed them and squeezed, rubbing them as they felt soft and tender. They began to tingle and she felt them begin to grow. There was pressure against her hands as she continued to squeeze them, soon they no longer fit in her hands as they grew to big.

Her bra felt so tight as her breast inflated as if being filled up with water. They sloshed as they became heavy with milk. They were no longer soft as they had become tight, she felt stretch marks form around them as the pressure continued. She tried to rub them but the dress was too tight and wouldn't let them break free.

She could see her nipples poking through the dress, ready to burst as her tits lifted high and huge, filled to the limit with milk for her babies.

Anna panted, sweat on her brow as she tried to breath under the pressure of her now swollen boobs.

She heard a hissing sound as yet another baby filled her womb.

"Not again, she mumbled" as her belly continued to grow. The dress not budging as it grew with it. She looked down at her feet as the belly grew to block them from her sight. Her belly was now full term with four babies.

But there was more to come as the hissing continued, and her belly continued to grow, and grow, and grow. She felt her skin tighten as it was not ment to be stretched this much in so little time. Her belly became itchy as she could feel her skin stretch under the dress, her belly button, once an inny was now a protruding outie as the dress tighten around her new form. She concluded she must have five babies in her at the moment, and the tought horrified her.

She poked her belly in disgust and it rippled, making her shudder. She had never wanted to be a mother! Especially not to five babies!!

What am I going to do! Anna tought. I have to go to the hospital and take off this dress!

She tried to stand, huffing and puffing as she had gained so much weight in both her belly and breast, she must have gained about 80 pounds. She hobbled over to get her car keys.

"To the hospital we go" she said, making her way to the car, trying to avoid being seen as this huge pregnant freak.

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