Part 3: Transformation

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As she sat on her small wooden chair, she could feel herself inflate. It felt as if someone had stuck a water hose down there and put the pressure on high.

She held her belly and tried to push down, but it did not work. Her belly continued to grow at an exponential rate. She could feel the legs of the chairs rattle as she gained weight from the heavy fluid that was getting ready to create new babies.

As her belly grew, she felt hot all over. she felt her thighs and hips began to expand to accommodate for the incoming weight of the babies her body would produce.

Her hips, once small, began to widen. Her thighs that used to have a gap now touched each other as her butt also began to inflate.

"I must be dreaming," Ann said to herself. But she was not dreaming; she began to go up as her but began to expand, filling up with fat. Her butt now began to spill out of her chair. If you looked behind her, you could see it overflowing as her once small butt grew.

Her butt now looked like two basketballs had been stuck to her backside while her hips were now wide. As this happened, her belly hisses as it filled with more fluid. Baby number two had made its way, and now it was time for baby number three.

As her chair buckled under the weight, Anna considered standing up, but as she tried, another wave of inflation hit her stronger than ever.

Her belly, that now looked full term with twins, continued to grow.

Anna tried to hug herself, but her hands kept being pushed by the pressure of her abdomen.

The dress was so tight that she could see the outline of her belly button poking out of the dress, but she couldn't reach it.

More fluid filled her; she could barely breathe from the weight. She must have gained about 40 pounds in the last 10 minutes.

Her belly, now packed with a whooping 3 babies, had settled.

Anna got up slowly and swayed her way back to her bed.

As she laid down, she could feel all three babies kicking.

"Oh, get out of me! I hate babies!" Anna exclaimed. "Why me! Why me!"

"This has to be it...right?" She thought, but suddenly, she felt another heat flash.

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