Part 1: The Dress

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Anna was thrift shopping when she found the perfect dress. It was just her style and her size!

"How much?" Anna asked.

The store clerk looked over. "For that?, someone dropped it off today. I haven't priced it does $5 sound?"

"Perfect!" Anna said, handing her the money.

"Have a nice day," the store clerk said as Anna walked out of the store.

Anna walked back to her apartment. She had just moved to New York and was buying the dress to go out that night. "I can't wait to show it off," she thought. "It'll look perfect."

After taking a shower, she came out to find a dress on her bed with a letter on top. "A letter? That wasn't there before, "Anna thought. But she tossed it to the side as she was going to try on the dress.

After about a minute, she successfully put on the dress that looked skin tight on her. It was the perfect fit. It almost seemed like it was made for her.

As she admired herself in the mirror, she thought she looked amazing, but she couldn't hear that there was a faint noise... almost as if air was escaping somewhere...

She sat on her bed to check her phone when suddenly she felt a hot flash. "It's a little hot in this dress," Anna thought, "Maybe I'll take it off."

As she tried to reach for the zipper, she could not find it. What the hell? She looked in the mirror; the zipper was gone, almost as if by magic.

As she was reaching out to find a way to take off her dress, she suddenly felt pressure on her abdomen. She grabbed herself and sat on the floor. She felt as if she was about to throw up. "What is happening to me?" She thought.

The pressure continued to grow, and so did her hands as they were being pushed up. Wait...what? She looked down to see her belly had begun to inflate like a balloon. Her once flat stomach now bloated as if she had eaten a football. She pushed down to try to stop it, but the pressure was too strong and only pushed back harder. Her belly continued to expand. Anna did not know what to do! Was it something she ate? What would her friends think?

She let go of her belly in defeat; there was no stopping it now; she could feel herself fill up with fluid, gurgling inside her. Stuffing her up.

She looked down, horrified at the sight. She looked as if she had swallowed a basketball, but she felt so heavy...more like she had swallowed a bowling ball! She tried to get up but could only reach her bed. As she sat panting on her bed, she could not believe what had just happened to her...

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