Part 2: The Letter

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Anna tried to compose herself.

"Think Anna... What could have caused this? An allergic reaction to something? Should I go to the hospital?" She said,"They'd think I'm pregnant!"

As she said this, her heart dropped. She felt something moving inside her.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Anna said, "it's impossible. I can't be pregnant!" And that's when she remembered the letter she had throw out that came with the dress.

She wobbled her heavy new self towards the trash can. She could barely see her feet with her new swollen belly.

She leaned down to grab it and almost fell over.

Once she had it, she sat down at her coffee table and opened it. It seemed old and fraile.

The letter read:

"Dear future surrogate, I hope you are well.

This dress belonged to me, Evanora Bishop. I was once a young girl like you, and my dream was to someday be a mother to many, but sadly, my day would never come. You see, I could not bear child, but oh, how I wanted so many of them. Alas, in my self-pity, I cursed this dress so that whoever wears it bears the children I never could.

Do not try to take off the dress; the curse will only let you when you've reached your limit. The dress will help you create as many children as your body can physically hold. You shall be the mother I never was, but a mother you shall be, to how many? You'll soon see..."

As Anna finished the letter, she felt another kick; she could not believe this! She tried to get up and take off the dress, but there was no use. It would not come off.

As she struggled, she could feel the liquid sloshing around inside her while her baby kicked frantically. Anna felt like she was going to throw up.

She never wanted to be a mother! And now she had to be a mother many?

She could not believe this was happening to her.

As she struggled to take off the dress, she felt another heat flash.

"Oh no...not again!"

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